Hi, welcome to God Today, I’m Evangelist Chris Mikkelson. Today I just want to talk to you about, kind of my story, talking about the prodigal son. In the story in Luke Chapter 15 we read this beautiful story about how a young man ran from God, he ran from his own father, took his inheritance that he’d had from his father. And he went out and he spent all of his inheritance as a young man. He spend it on prodigal living, I would imagine, he spent it going to the bars, buying big yachts and boats and just spending his entire inheritance. At the end of losing his entire inheritance, the Bible says here that he came to his sense, but when the man came to himself in verse 17.
My friend sometimes when we are running from God or are far from God, there is a point in time when we need to come to our senses. We need to come to our self and 11 years ago, I was a drug addict, I was far from God, I was running from God. But there was that moment when I turned back to the Lord. Maybe that’s you this morning. I want to encourage you, it’s time to come back to Jesus. Come back to Him. Turn back to Him. Come back to your senses and give your life to Jesus. Stop running from Him and come back to the Lord. He loves you. He want to save you. He wants to set you free and give you a hope and a purpose and a new life in Jesus’ name.
If that’s you this morning, I would just love to pray with you. Just pray this prayer with me. Say, dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you today a sinner in need of salvation. I give my life to you. Lord take it just as I am. Save me and make me new. In Jesus’ name. Amen.