Hi this is Bill Vanderbush from GOD TV and welcome to God Today. I’ve got a word for you today: Pronoia. Kind of the opposite of paranoia. Pronoia is the delusional believe that others are plotting for your well being. And when it comes to God I think a lot of people have paranoia. In other words, they think that God is standing around the corner with a big bat waiting to just jump on you the first time you get something wrong.
Jeremiah 29:11, it’s a popular verse you might have heard it: ” I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God in Christ revealed the love of the Father, the cross of Jesus Christ is the eternal yes God over humanity saying “I love you, I’m for you and not against you.”
You know, I’ve just given you permission today, not to be paranoid about God, but to be pronoid about God. That is to recognize that it is not a delusional belief that God is plotting for your well-being.
Now as He is, so are we in this world First John 4:17; then you can actually become pronoia towards somebody else. For example, who do you want to bless today? Can you plot for somebody else’s well-being behind their backs? Plotting to bless somebody for a change instead of what the world is normally used to. Now that way we can turn pronoia from being just a delusional belief to being a kingdom reality. Where people out there know that there are others out there who are plotting for their well-being, just like God is plotting for yours.
Can I just pray for you today that you would just understand and know that God is for you and not against you. Any point in time that you have believed a lie that God is just waiting to pounce on you with punishment, you would know that his judgments are actually for you. As a matter of fact I would say it like this, poverty is a judgment, but it’s not a judgment from God. Prosperity would be the judgment of God against the injustice of poverty. Healing is the judgment of God against the injustice of infirmity.
So I just declare that over you today, that the healing of God, the prosperity of Heaven, that the blessing of Heaven, the favor of God would be upon your life if everything you say and do today in Jesus’ name.