Hi I’m Kristene DiMarco with Bethel Music and welcome to God Today. You know when you’re going through a dry season or a hard season, sometimes it’s really hard to motivate yourself, because hope seems like the farthest thing away. And it’s really important to remember in those times what God has done in the past. And to believe that He is who He says He is, no matter what.
One of my favorite writers said “I will not lower my theology of God to match my pain.” And I think that’s a really important thing, that the Bible it stays the same no matter what we are going through and it’s the truth that we physically have to hold on to through whatever may come in life, that I’m not guaranteed certain circumstances but I am guaranteed Jesus Christ and the power that is His Holy Spirit.
And so, the way that I motivate myself is to remember and to look to not just my circumstance but to who God is and to continue to move forward with the power of the Holy Spirit. He is who He says He is. And He will always be who He says He is.
And I just want to encourage you today to hold on to hope and watch your triumph unfold.
And so I’m gonna pray for you. God I just want to pray for everyone who is here and who is watching this today. I pray that they would hope and hope another day. Whatever they are going through, whatever process it is, however hard it is, God we don’t compare ourselves today but we look to you, the author and the ‘perfecter’ of our faith. You are good and You will always be good. So we thank you for who you are, in Jesus’ name. Amen.