Welcome to GOD TV. I’m Peter working with CFAN. I’m so happy to be able to take this time to share something with you from the Word of God, and I’m sharing with you what has blessed me. I’ve been looking at the book of Romans chapter 8, where the Apostle Paul talks about life in the Spirit. We love life in the Spirit and it’s wonderful to know that Holy Spirit is at work in you and in me.
I want to read you a verse and it’s towards the end of the chapter. It’s chapter 8 in Romans and it’s verse 26. It’s talking about living in the Spirit and walking in the Spirit. It says this, “in the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes with us and for us with groans and words that we cannot express. Wow! We are talking here about the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit! God, Himself is interceding for you! You may say, “hey brother, you don’t know who I am.” No, I don’t, but the Holy Spirit does. God, Himself is interceding for you. I don’t know what that does for you but it really comforts me; I think wow.
If God is interceding for me, then how can I fail? If He’s interceding for you, how can you fail? I’ll tell you; you cannot! Because the Spirit of God is alive and at work in you and despite your weaknesses, He is praying for you and interceding for you and making you different. I’m gonna pray right now that this day be your best ever in Jesus Name. Lord, I thank you for my friend who is receiving Your word right now. That the finger of Your Spirit is touching their spirit right now and I pray that this day will be their greatest day ever of walking in Your Spirit, in Jesus Name, Amen.