What Is Revival?

Saturday, October 7th, 2017

Revival is truly falling in love with Jesus all over again. Coming back to Him and saying God, set me on fire again.
Roy Fields


Hi, this is Roy Fields with Roman Fire Ministries and this is God Today. You ever ask this question? What is revival? Man, I hear that all the time. People say what is revival? Did you know that revival’s not even in the Bible? The word itself revival is not in the Bible. The closest you can get to it is Ezekiel with the bones, being the flesh coming back on and he was revived. That’s as close as you can get to the word revival. But the word Bible’s not in the Bible. What does that mean? Let me tell you something. Revival is not a good meeting with people rolling around on the floor. I’ve had the privilege of being in many revivals over the years. 

I’ve had the honor of studying and seeking God through all the moves that have happened, through all centuries that have gone past. But I found something out. Revival is actually in the heart of every person. I would even dare to say that revival is not for the lost first. You saw what are you saying? Yeah. Revival is for the church to come back to her first love. In fact, I would dare to say revival is falling in love in Jesus all over again. Many of us, we get on fire for God and we get excited and run out the doors and we want to save the world and we want to lay hands on everything that moves in the place and then years go by and the weariness of life comes on us and it drags us down and pulls us and all of a sudden we say well, maybe that was for a long time ago. No, my friend.

What is revival? Revival is truly falling in love with Jesus all over again. Coming back to Him and saying God, set me on fire again. The Bible says we must be continually filled with the Spirit. Go get revived. Do it now. In Jesus’ name. Amen.