
Thursday, October 19th, 2017

It's amazing as we're led by the Spirit of God, all the discoveries He has for us every day.
Pam Hanes


Hello. I’m Pam Hanes with Pam Hanes Ministry and welcome to God Today and today I want to talk to you about what a blessing it is to have discoveries. As many as are led by the Spirit of God are the sons and daughters of God and we have an opportunity moment by moment to be led by His Spirit, to discover new things as we are led by His Spirit. To discover means we get to be the first one to see, the first one to have knowledge of. It’s amazing as we’re led by the Spirit of God, all the discoveries He has for us every day.

A young explorer, a young discoverer was commissioned by the king and queen of Spain to discover new lands, to discover new territories and the way that he was able to discover the new territories was to go by an internal compass. At night as he was on the ship, this internal compass, the voice of the Lord would speak to him and tell him which way to turn his ship and as he listened and was led by the Lord, he was able to discover new lands. You see, it was in the late 1400s and there was no natural compass like we have today but only that internal compass that led him.

This young discoverer was Christopher Columbus who was able to discover America. I wonder what we could discover of all that God has for us not only internally the gifts He’s given us but externally. He did tell us to go and take the land. So, today I want to encourage you be led by the Spirit of God, put your hand in His hand and be like those who have gone before you with great destiny and reach forth hand in hand with Him to be led. Can I pray for you? Father, I want to pray in the powerful name of Jesus that you stir up the Holy Spirit in each one that is listening. They put their hand in Your hand and they say I choose this day to be led by the Spirit of God, a new course charted for each day. Let us set forth and sail to the new destiny God has for you as you were led by the Spirit of God.