Hey, everyone. This is evangelist Chris Mikkelson. I want to welcome all you GOD TV viewers this morning to this daily devotional. This morning I want to talk to you about reaping the harvest. This is the third in this series on reaping a harvest and winning the lost to Christ.
We see in the book of Matthew chapter 9 this verse that Jesus says, “That the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the lord of the harvest to bring forth laborers into the harvest fields.” I can’t imagine a better tool in the harvest than prayer except maybe going out and sharing your faith in Jesus’ name. Jesus told these disciples to go out and pray, that they should pray for the harvest to come in. But actually, if we look at the very next verse in chapter 10:1 and we continue reading the first few verses of chapter 10, we see that those same disciples whom Jesus told to pray for the harvest actually became the answer to their own prayers and they went out, the Bible says, and they preached the gospel. They laid hands on the sick, they cast out demons.
My friends, sometimes you and I are the answer to our own prayers and I want to encourage you to pray for the harvest but not just pray for the harvest but be the answer to your prayers and go out and share the love of Jesus with everyone that you know. God wants to use you. It’s time for prayer and evangelism to come together so that we can reap the harvest in Jesus’ name. So, I want to encourage you this morning, don’t just pray for the harvest but be the answer to your own prayers and go out and reap a mighty harvest in Jesus’ name and I just want to pray for you as you go out sharing the gospel.
Father, I thank you for each and every person. I pray, God, that you would use them for your kingdom and glory. I pray, God, that they wouldn’t just be a prayer warrior for the harvest but, God, that they would also be a laborer and a co-laborer with you in the harvest and they’d go out sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere they go. I bless them in Jesus’ name. Amen.