Hi, my name is Mel Ponder. And I’m a representative in the Florida House, District 4. Today we’re with God TV. Today my scripture I bring to you is from 1 Peter 2:7 and it reads simply this, “honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, and honor the King”. I want to talk to you today about “loving the brotherhood”.
The Bible says that we are made up of many parts, but we’re one body of Christ. For me, 9 times out of 10, I see a lot of people getting caught up with issues between baptist, Pentecostal, Methodist, charismatic, all these things. When the Bible really says we are to love God and love others. It’s simple when you look at that regard. And for me, when you look at the functionality of the family, you know we are all the family, the Bible says that “when the brethren dwell together in unity” (this is Psalm 133) the Bible says, “there the Lord commands the blessing”.
And I love in Romans how it is put simply this, “to owe no man anything except to love one another”.
You know when we sing that old song that says, “we will know we are Christians by our love, by our love”? What example are we setting? What legacy are we wanting to leave behind? You know, love is never wasted. You know, the Bible says in Corinthians that “faith, hope, and love we have, but the greatest of these is love”. You know, it doesn’t matter how many gifts you do great, in holy, spiritual, business, or wherever God has placed you in. If the legacy and the impact you are leaving is not how you loved one another then sometimes we need to back up and say, did I really hit the mark? What was my true assignment today? What did others see in me? What did I leave behind, what deposit did I make? I’m challenged with this almost every day – to get out and love the brotherhood. You know, the scripture says to honor all people first, and secondly, to love the brotherhood. So, we should start by being men and women of God, Christians sold out for Him. By loving first each other, to be an example even to unbelievers, that this Christian walk is true, and it’s real. So, I challenge us today to step out in faith and love each other well.
So, Lord, I bless you today, I thank you, Father, for the ones watching that they would be inspired, they would let go of those things that would be hindering us to love each other well. And let them say, “Today I am setting the standard of love, to be an example to people around and about us, to where I work, to the community I am called to, to even my family, to set the bar and lead an example of love.”