Hey, this is Bob Weiner of Weiner Ministries International and this is God Today. Hey, listen. This is the victory that overcomes the world – our faith in a mighty God. The Lord told me to start 31 ministries in one year – that’s all I did in 10 years, how am I gonna do it? The Lord said, “Your faith level, Bob, is not big enough to get the job done. Get your faith level up and your yoke will be easy and your burden will be light. And you will do more in one year than you have done in your whole lifetime.” Ladies and gentleman, the Lord loves faith. So, all we have to do is get our faith level up and the yoke will be easy and the burden will be light.
So, I got my faith level up – just started studying scriptures and confessing the word of the Lord. And long story short, in one year I was able to do what I couldn’t do in 10 years because I got my faith level up. This is the victory that overcomes the world.
I want to pray for you right now. I want to ask the Lord to take away all the fear, doubt, unbelief. I want God to come in and release the gift of faith into your life and I want you to develop your faith. Put your shield of faith up – stop all the fiery, dark sin in me. I thank you, Lord, for these dear friends. I thank you for this incredible television station. Lord, we bless you now and I say to all doubt, unbelief, fear, “Be gone, in Jesus’ name”. We thank you for the victory that overcomes the world: our faith in a mighty God. Lord, we thank you for a peace that passes all understanding. Fear, anxiety, worry be gone and let faith arise and let that gift of faith come into their hearts. In Jesus’ name, in Yeshua’s name. Amen.