Hello, my name is Johnny Taylor. I’m with Flowing Oil Ministries and welcome to God Today. I’d like to share with you a word that the Lord has laid on my heart for some time and that word is “restoration”. I believe what the Lord is wanting to do this day and this move that He is doing is to restore us back to the place that we were before the trouble started, before the sickness came about, before the addictions. And the word that the Lord has given us is not only does He want to heal us, not only does he want to deliver form the addictions, but He wants to restore everything that has been affected by that addiction or by that sickness. So, He wants to restore if we’ve been without jobs or finances or family. Back to the place as if we’d never been sick. That the only proof that we have of our sickness is our testimony.
There are four things I’d like to mention real quick about restoration – about in the word restoration. The first one is the word “Rest”. The Bible says in 1 John 4:19 it says, “We love Him because He first loved us.” So, it just tells us that the only way we can love Him is in response to His love for us. But, that word “He” in 1 John 4, the word “He” means master of rest. So, He loves us form a place of rest. Our response to Him is out of a place of rest. We love Him in that place of rest.
The second one is the word “restore”. The word tells us that the Lord wants to restore everything that the enemy has stolen from us – up to seven times what he’s taken and even his own house. That God wants to restore everything to us. The third word that is in that word “restoration” is the word “ration”. The word “ration” means what you’re in short supply of. So, in “restored” God wants to give us everything we are in short supply of. It says even above and beyond everything we can even think of. He wants to restore us back to that place we were before we sinned, before we were sick, before we were addicted.
The thing I like about the word “restoration” is that little suffix at the end, the “t-i-o-n”. That little suffix means a place. Restoration is a place. It’s not an act, it’s not just a thing, but it’s a place that we live. And that word restoration and that place that we live is the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is restoration. When we’re born into the Kingdom and we begin to walk it out, God wants to restore us back to the place we were before we were ever affected by sin, or sickness, or addiction.
I’d like to pray for you today and encourage you to know that God wants to restore you. He wants to restore you from head to toe. He wants to restore your body. He wants to restore your inner healing. He wants to restore your relationships. He wants to restore you back to the place you were before you were ever a sinner, before you were ever sick, before addicted. And I speak that and I thank God for what He’s doing in your life and for what He’s going to do in Jesus’ name.