Live Life Adventerously: Romans 8:15

Wednesday, March 14th, 2018

Ask God to rekindle some of those old dreams or maybe to give you new ones.  
Doug Osness


Good morning, I’m Doug Osness with God Today. Today I want you to take a look and think about at Romans 8:15, the second half of the verse.   Here’s what it says, “This life that we have been living is adventurously expected, greeting God with a childlike, ‘What’s next, Papa?’”  Here’s a great question to ask – that I had to ask myself: have you stopped dreaming?

Been a real challenge.  This has been my verse for this year, God has just led me to focus on this passage.  I went through a time when all of life crashed, and all my plans changed, and everything got turned upside down and I stopped dreaming you lose hope.  When you lose hope you’re in trouble.

I want to challenge you today as you think about living an adventurous life on purpose.  Take a risk, start dreaming again. Ask God to rekindle some of those old dreams or maybe to give you new ones.  Just spend some time with the Lord. Write them down, get excited. Maybe, just maybe – just trust me – it’s possible that God could still use you today.  It’s not too late. This is an adventurously expectant life and it’s a journey. It doesn’t have to end until we get to the reward at the end.

Let me pray with you today.  Lord, I just pray for anyone who has lost hope, who needs dreams rekindled.  That you would just show up in a big way and help them to have an extra measure of faith today, to take a step and trust you for what’s ahead.  And get on that adventurous path. In Jesus’ name, Amen.