Do You Know Your Worth?

Monday, March 19th, 2018

You need to remember how valuable you are to the Father...that He already knows what you need of.
Kellie Copeland


Hey, I’m Kellie Copeland from Kenneth Copeland Ministries and I want to welcome you to God Today. I want to encourage you today with Matthew 6.  You know, Jesus was talking, He had just delivered this great message, what we know as “The Beatitudes”.  He had talked them about, “Hey you’ve heard this about what God says about you, but I’m telling you this.”  And He’s telling them about how to live the way God wants us to live. Then He starts talking about what’s important to people’s life and that is, “How do I live? How am I going to live, how am I going to eat? How am I going to drink? What am I going to wear?”

We all spend a lot of time thinking about those things.  We go to work 37.5 hours a week for those very things if that’s what we live our life for.  I want to read to you what Jesus says about it. He says, “You can’t serve money and God.” Now, that doesn’t mean you just go home and do nothing.  We all know you need to work. When you work, what you do, you can do that as unto the Lord. You can serve Him with your everyday life. Why do you go to work?  Maybe you go to work for money or maybe you go to work to be alive. I can promise you if you go to work on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ, He can make your life work for you more than you ever could.  

Jesus says you can’t serve two masters.  He says in verse 25, “That’s why I tell you, ‘Don’t worry about everyday life.’’  He says, ‘You can’t worry about everyday life and serve God at the same time.” I love that Jesus just assumes that we will listen to Him and not try and serve everyday life.  That we will listen to Him and we will decide to serve the Master. He says, “That’s why I tell you not to worry about everyday life. Isn’t life more than food?” Of course it is.  It says, “Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your Heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you more valuable to Him than these birds?”

You know, some of us need to remember this today.  You need to remember how valuable you are to the Father.  You need to know that He already knows what you have need of.  That’s what Jesus said, “Why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow.  They don’t work or make their clothing yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.  If God cares so wonderfully for the wildflowers that are here today, He certainly will care for you. Why do you have so little faith?  So, don’t worry about these things saying, ‘What will we eat, what will we drink, what will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers.”  What’s He saying? If you don’t believe in what Jesus said and what God wants to supply for you then you have to worry about these things. But, He says, “When you’ll believe that your Heavenly Father knows these things, seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, He will give you everything you need.”

Today you and I just choose, “Hey, I’m going to believe that today.”  Say that with me. “I believe, Father, that you supply my needs.” And watch Him do it.