Hi, I’m Dr. Robert Lightfoot, Executive Medical Director of Victory Health Partners and welcome to God Today. You know, Victory Health Partners, we’re a Christ-centered, faith-based medical healthcare facility for people who do not have insurance – low-income, uninsured adults. I was going into work one morning, driving to work, and I was kind of fussing at God. I was saying, “Why do I do this? Lord, what’s my purpose here?” Maybe I was just being a little whiny, or maybe having a little pity party. When I walked into my office – and I do the same thing every morning – I put my white coat on and I took my stethoscope and I placed it around my neck.
The Lord very clearly spoke to me. He said, “Son, [I love it when He calls me son] every time you listen, you get to hear my heartbeat.” It put me to my knees. Every time we listen we get to hear His heartbeat. The heartbeat of God is what we need during these times. So, I pray today for me, for you, and for everyone listening, Lord, that we can hear, we can listen, and we can hear the heartbeat of God. Have a blessed day.