Hi there, my name is Peter Louis with Braveheart Ministries and welcome to God Today. I want to talk to you today because I believe many people believe God is angry with them. When I was 4 years old I came to know the Lord and I grew up in the church, but I actually believed God was angry with me when I sinned. It really came to a head when I was in high school – I discovered pornography. And it dominated my life. As a Christian, as a believer, I was plagued with guilt and shame and condemnation. I’ve met so many believers since then that have that same issue.
In 2006, I had an encounter with the Lord. I began to cry out to God before this encounter. I said, “God, if you’re strong; if you’re powerful; if you’re able, will you deliver me from this thing that I hate about myself?” On March 7, 2006, at a healing conference, at a Gateway church (Bill Johnson, Lance Wallnau) I encountered the love of God, the power of God. And I experienced Romans 5:8 that says, “God demonstrates His love for us”. That while we’re sinning, He died for us. And He told me, “I love you” and He filled me with His spirit, His power. And I actually learned that the Bible says if we sin we have an advocate – we have a helper. Someone who helps us in the midst of our sin.
And for many of you, you believe God’s angry with you, He’s frustrated, He’s disappointed, and I want to tell you today that He loves you. He loves you deeply. If you sin, there is a conversation in heaven between the advocate, Jesus, and the Father. And Jesus is reminding the Father of our confession of faith, that we’re in the family of God, that we’ve made covenant. And he’s contending for you to experience freedom. He’s not frustrated, He’s not disappointed. And I experienced that in my life. When I heard that conversation in heaven I realized Jesus was my only hope. When you hear that conversation in heaven you’ll be freed from all your sins.
So, I want to pray for you today, if that’s you if that’s something you’ve been struggling with, whatever the issue is – sin or pornography – it doesn’t matter, you have an advocate. 1 John 2, “If anyone sins we have an advocate, Jesus Christ the righteous”. So, let me pray for you. Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that everyone watching this would begin to hear your conversation, your advocacy on our behalf in the midst of our sin, and I pray right now, the love of Jesus, the grace of Jesus to destroy guilt, shame, and condemnation to bring people close to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.