Hi, My name is Mel Ponder and I am a representative in the Florida House, District 4. And today were with GOD TV. The scripture I’m bringing you today is from 1 Peter 2:17 and it says simply this, “honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, and honor the King”. What I’m going to talk about today is just “honoring the King”. You know, the Bible tells us in 1 Timothy 2:1-4 that, “therefore I exhort first that all supplication, prayers, and intercession, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.”
And one more scripture before I talk is on Romans 13 it says, “let every soul be subject to the governing authorities”. You know, the Bible tells us that “life and death are in the power of the tongue”. And many times, I see believers, men and women of God, sons, and daughters of the King, choose words of death – ones that are not life-giving.
You know, many times, being called to the political arena myself, I want the body of Christ, I want the church, the corporate church, to be involved in my decision-making. You know the Bible says and Christ said of Peter, “on this rock I will build my church”. Part of the ecclesia there was to set the policy decisions for the city. The church was meant to be part of the guidelines, the setting of the policy decisions for the city, for the community, for the state. And what we need is for the church to play an active role. Many times I see the church way outside the perimeter, lobbing things inside, bombs, whether it’s on the internet or hiding behind a screen, or sending words that are not life-giving.
But, honoring the King is (obviously) paying your taxes, respecting authority, having the proper understanding and appreciation for first-responders. Honoring the King and praying for them, interceding for them, doing what is right to be an example to unbelievers. Is it better to sit back and just browbeat and word curse them? Or to say, “you know what, I’m praying for them, they’re gonna do the right thing, I appreciate them.” It’s amazing the difference you’ll make when you start telling someone the goodness of what they do and the roles they play. And, honoring the King is such a key part of that.
We need to respect and pray for our elected officials because the Bible says they can live a peaceable life. If you want peace in your city, if you want the presence of God in your city, pray for the decision makers whether they are a believer or not. God will call all things to work together for good. Even how they comprehend how they pass translation will depend on us as believers of God. So, Father, I bless everyone today. Give them ears to hear and eyes to see what you’re doing in their city today. In Jeremiah, it says, “Pray for the peace of the city they’ve been called to”. Lord, I pray that as people today hear this word they become inspired to pray for their policymakers and their decision that the peace of you would enter their community by the prayers of the saints in that city. We bless you today, in Jesus’ name.