Hi everyone. My name is Jeff Struss. I’m the Senior Pastor of Life Center in Lynchburg, VA, and Director for Clear River Network. This is God Today. Have you ever thought about what the most important thing about being a christian is? I have. I love the supernatural activity of God. I love miracles and encounters. You know, hearing from God and seeing Him move in powerful ways. But, there is something I have found in the word of God that gives the highest goal and I’d like to share it with you.
I think of the apostle Paul – a church planter, miracle worker, used by God to write most of the New Testament, but you know, he actually gave us an insight into what really motivated him. When I found it, it changed my life, and I would like it to change yours as well. In Philippians 3:10, he said, above anything else that he desired, his highest aim, his highest passion, was knowing Jesus Christ more. In fact, he said this, that he would know Him and the power of His resurrection in the fellowship of His sufferings. Even that he might be conformed to his death that he might participate in the resurrection from the dead.
Paul was saying this, “You know guys, when you see me out there, sharing the gospel, praying for the sick, standing up in the midst of persecution and tribulation, I have this one thing that’s motivating me. That is just knowing Jesus more.” Jesus Christ in His high priestly prayer in John 17, He confirmed that this was the highest aim for any believer. He said in John 17:3, “And this is eternal life. That they may know you, the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom you’ve sent.” Beloved, my desire for you today in the midst of difficulty, persecution, tribulation. In the midst of being a witness and standing boldly for your faith, can I encourage you today to make this one thing your highest aim? Just to know Him more. Just to be closer to His heart. Just to hear His voice and let His image and His light conform you to His.
I want to pray for you today. If you would, just put your hands out in front of you like you’d be receiving a gift. And I want to bless you today that you would know Christ more. Sweet Holy Spirit, we thank you that you came to reveal Jesus Christ. You said that you’d remind us of the things that Jesus spoke. Lord, I pray for a sweet presence of your Spirit to fall upon each person that’s watching you right now. Lord, I pray for the gift of intimacy with Jesus – it’s the highest gift that we can receive. It’s the greatest gift that we can receive. Lord, I pray for my friends, my brothers and sisters that are watching me now, draw them closer to your heart. Through good times and bad times, help them to know you more. And if someone is watching this right now, you’ve never received Jesus Christ, this is the greatest gift you could ever receive – just to know Him, to receive Him into your life. So, I pray for your presence and your glory on each person watching this now. It’s in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. May God richly bless you.