This is KC Craichy, Founder, and CEO of Living Fuel, entrepreneur, and minister of the Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome to God Today. Today, I’m going to tell you a little story, and that story is my story. My wife, former Miss Florida and Miss USA. We were married for two years, and all of a sudden this woman who was fearless and could go anywhere and do anything came down with panic attacks, clinical depression, and suicidal thoughts. Doctors were really not helping things with Xanax, and Zoloft, and psychotherapy, and she and I made the decisions together that I was going to dive into the literature and I wasn’t coming out without an answer. We were going to figure this thing out and the doctor said she could become a patient for life and that was not okay. In fact, she made the decision within two weeks that she was no longer going the conventional medicine route because it hadn’t helped anyone else that she knows and it certainly wasn’t helping her.
Over a 10 year period of research and trial and error, our company was born, my best-selling book was born. We discovered several things that were keys the Lord showed us, in the literature: hydration, nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, environmental hazards, and meditation and prayer. These, including meditation and prayer, are profoundly proven in the literature. So these things resulted in Monica being free. Now she is superwoman again and many 1,000s of people have overcome their own health situations as a direct result. As a result we had financial success in our business. When your business is there for a purpose, that you’re actually helping people, then success is sure. I tell you, the same thing will work for yourself. In the name of Jesus, I pray that whatever situation you’re going through that you will find truth, and the truth will set you free. See, it isn’t truth that sets you free, it’s you knowing the truth that sets you free. So, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. God bless you and have an amazing day.