Welcome to God Today, I am Dr. Nasir Siddiki of “wisdomministries.org”. I have a word to share with you about “Kingdom.”Why is Kingdom important? Well, it was important to Jesus. Jesus got filled with the Holy Spirit, and now he is launching His ministry. Listen to the first words of our Lord and Savior as he starts His ministry in Matthew 4:17. “From that time Jesus began.” It is the beginning of His ministry. “And crying out, ‘Repent. For the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.’” Now the word “repent” is the Greek word “metanoia”. It doesn’t mean “remorse”. It literally means “Transform your thought process. Change your mind. Think differently”. Why? God’s Kingdom is now here. One translation says, “Think differently for the government of God begins now.” What does that mean? When you were in the kingdom of darkness you were not in the Kingdom of His dear Son. But, then you accepted Jesus into your heart. When the Lord and Savior, Jesus, came into your heart you entered the Kingdom of His dear Son or the Kingdom of God.
We’ve left the kingdom of darkness and entered the Kingdom of God. So, we’ve got to think differently. Jesus says now, “Change your mind. Change your thought process. Think differently.” When we were in the kingdom of darkness, guess what? We were a healer. We better live close to a drugstore. But, when we entered the Kingdom of His dear Son, He carried our illnesses, carried our diseases. By His stripes we have been healed. He is responsible for our healing now. When we were in the kingdom of darkness we better have three jobs. Why? We are our providers. But, the moment we enter the Kingdom of His dear Son He supplies all of our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Praise God! When we were in the kingdom of darkness we better have seven locks on our door. We are our protector. When we enter the Kingdom of His dear Son – guess what? He has given charge to His angels to protect us lest we dash our foot against a stone.
Everything in God’s Kingdom works differently than the world. We have to learn His Kingdom keys. We have to learn how to apply those keys so we will see the benefits of being in the Kingdom of God. And so, Jesus says, “Think differently for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” He brought the Kingdom so you and I can live life more abundantly.
Let’s pray. I thank you, Lord, that you give us continued revelation of the Kingdom. Show us that that is why Jesus really came: to restore the Kingdom. He was the way, the truth, the life to the Kingdom. Now we ate in the Kingdom of Heaven. Reveal those keys, how the Kingdom works, and how we can apply it into our lives to see the life that you promised to give us. Life more abundantly. We ask this now in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.