The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Sunday, July 1st, 2018

Pray about the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  God wants to give it to you more than you want to receive it.  
Andrew Wommack


Hello, This is Andrew Wommack and I want to share something with you today.  Millions of people have experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit and they have had this encounter with the Lord – separate from just being born again.  In the Bible, the disciples have confessed that Jesus was alive from the dead. According to Romans 10:9, that is salvation. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall been saved.  They were saved, they were born again. Yet, He said, “Wait till you receive power from on high.” They were born again, but there was still more. There is a second encounter with the Lord which is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The disciples experienced it in Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost.  The power of God fell upon them. These men who had denied that they even knew who Jesus was because of fear – and they had run scared. I mean there was a reason they were called “duh-ciples”. The lord would spend all of this time teaching them. And He would say, “Where I am going, you know. And the way you know.”  And then they would turn and say, “Where are you going? How can we know the way?” They had been with Him for 3.5 years and as He was caught up into heaven they said, “Are you going to come now? Is this where you’re putting the Kingdom?” I mean, 3.5 years and it’s like they didn’t have a clue. They were “duh-ciples”.

When they day of Pentecost came, all of a sudden they were transformed.  Peter, who the only time he would open his mouth was to change feet, could all of a sudden speak and 3,000 people get born again in one day.  They had a boldness and a confidence that the scribes and Pharisees took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus. I mean, they were transformed.  This is what the baptism of the Holy Spirit does. It empowers you. Did you know that the Christian life isn’t just hard to live? It is impossible to live.  It is impossible for you to live up to all of the things that are available to us in the Lord, on your own. You need to receive power. Jesus said in Act 1:8, “You shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you.”  Notice, it is after the Holy Spirit that comes upon you that you shall receive power. Then you’ll be a witness.

One of the things that’s is wrong with so many believers today is that they have prayed and asked the Lord to forgive their sins.  If they were to die, they would immediately go into the presence of God, but they haven’t been empowered with the Holy Spirit. That includes many things, but it includes speaking in tongues, and I tell you, when you have received this it just changes you.  Just like it did the apostles. If you know there is more, if you know there is power that you aren’t’ operating in, I ask you to pray about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. God wants to give it to you more than you want to receive it.