Hi, this is Jeanne Nigro, author and speaker, and founder of Jeanne Nigro Ministries. Welcome to God Today.Have you ever experienced anything in your life where you felt like you could not go on? This was just the worst thing that could possibly happen. That happened to me, almost exactly a year ago. My daughter, she is 16, was showing a horse in a horse show, and fell on her head. She had multiple brain fractures, brain hemorrhaging, brain injuries. I will never forget being in the ER and she couldn’t talk or walk. I thought, “God no!” I was screaming, even at the horse show. I kept saying, “Not my baby! Not my baby!” I went into shock.
I was like, “God, no! This can’t be happening, not to my baby, not to my baby.” I sensed this voice, or this presence, or this impression on my heart saying that He was going to use it for good. I thought, “How could there possibly be good to come out of this?” Once again, as He has with other tragedies in my life, shown me that He doesn’t always deliver us out of tragedies and difficulties. We are still on this earth, we are not in the millenium yet where everything is perfect. He always, always. Always uses everything for good in our lives.
That’s what He did for me and my daughter. She had the most dramatic spiritual transformation. She is so close to God now. It is almost like He removed everything in our lives that were either not from Him or blocked us from really experiencing all the love that He had for us, or that distracted us from Him. Now she is 100% focused on God and ministry. There has been so much that He has done. He has moved us to another state, out of our home, to get the help of a particular doctor who has really been a blessing from the Lord. IN that, He has brought new ministry opportunities in the new state where we are living.
One time we tried to sit down and write down all of the blessings and we ran out of room. From what has come from this tragedy – we can almost now say, “Thank you, God. That this happened.” She still has a long way to go for healing. Just as you might, or we all do, we are never really at that place where we are 100% healed now in every way. That will be in the future. What we know is that along the way, God’s heart is always to heal our hearts, to heal our bodies, to restore our relationships. We have a God like that who desires those things for us. We know that that is His will. As we seek Him and as we recognize that fear and stress and anger, all those things block us from Him. They give the enemy ground. We focus on Him and focus on what can’t change. Who He is and how He sees us. We see Him working for good. Maybe not in that moment, but definitely as we look back, we see it. Oh my goodness, how He has used everything for good.
Let’s pray. Lord, God, whatever is in your life that we feel could never have good come from it, we thank you, God in advance, for the good you will bring form it. Help me, God, to just confess to you my fears, my unbelief, help me to know that you understand that you are not mad at me that I am struggling. You want to carry me through this. God, I pray that you would go before me, make the rough places smooth. Make the dark places light. Thank you that you are working all things for my good and that your heart is to heal my heart and my life. Thank you and we praise you in Yeshua’s name. Amen.