Hi, I’m Larry SParks. I serve as the publisher for Destiny Image. I feel the Lord has a word for you today. In Matthew 28, we read about The Great Commission. Some of us are familiar with this, where Jesus says, “Go into all the nations and make disciples.” In fact, “Go and disciple all nations.” Has this ever happened to you though? Have you ever been in a worship service or a meeting, or a gathering, or a revival service where the presence of God is so thick and you are being touched by the Holy Spirit, and in that moment you feel like, “God I want to give you everything. Jesus, I want to give you everything because you are worthy of it all.” He absolutely is. But, I feel like one of the things believers do sometimes, is in a noble effort to give Jesus everything, the things God has put inside of you: dreams, visions, even career ambitions. I know we hear word like that and we think, “Oh, that’s not good, that can’t be spiritual.”
Jesus said, “Go and disciple all nations.” You might think that is a huge thing, that is a big macro thing. How do I disciple all nations? What does that look like? It looks like you responding to the assignment God has given you, whatever place God has called you to go to, whatever talents, and gifts, and dreams and ambition he was put inside of you, I believe there is an assignment for you to fulfill. What happens is that in these moments of high worship, in the presence of God, we say, “Jesus I give you everything. I give you my life, I give you my plans, I gave you my goals, and my dreams.” I think sometimes, what we do is trying to crucify the flesh, trying to crucify everything that holds us back from God. Many people actually crucify their assignment and their commision.
Here is the deal and this is what I am going to pray over you. I want you, in this season, to pick up the things God has put inside of you. I feel like God is saying to you, “Pick up that dream, pick up that aspiration, pick up that career ambition.” That is not evil. The things we are called to crucify are our flesh, are our sin, all the things that contaminate motivation. At the end of the day, it says, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” What is that prayer we want to pray when Jesus touches us? “Jesus I give you everything.” You know what you are actually called to give Jesus? You give Him your life, 100%, absolutely. I prophesy to you right now, that in this season, the Lord is calling you to pick up those assignments, to pick up your commission. You are actually called to give Jesus nations. In Psalm 2, we read about the Father saying to the son, I don’t understand how it all happens, but apparently in the Trinity, the Father said to the son, “Ask of me and I will give you the nations.” What does that look like? It looks like you and me being faithful in whatever sphere of influence God has put us in. Say, “God, I am going to that place, I am picking up my assignment. I am picking up my commission. I crucify everything that restrains me and restricts me. I crucify flesh, I crucify sin. I pick up my assignment. I say, “Lord, I give you everything. I give you all of me. Lord, help me to take my place in actually giving you the nations.”
Let me pray for you. Father, right now for my friend who is watching. I pray in this moment, Holy Spirit, you would remind them of anything that they have laid down. Lord, I declare over them right now. It is time to pick it up. It is time to pick up your call. It is time to pick up that dream, it is time to pick up that commission and run hard and fast. I believe the greatest satisfaction and fulfillment you will ever have is saying “Yes” to everything God has called you to do. You have been called to give Jesus nations so, ultimately, He can give nations to the Father. I pray that over you in Jesus’ name. Amen.