Hey, this is Bob Weiner of Weiner Ministries International. This is God Today. I want to talk to you about instant obedience. This is the thing that will make life so much fun for you. I am driving down the road and I see a hitchhiker. I have been praying and asking God for a divine appointment. The Lord says, “This young man – you need to stop for.” I am flying down the freeway. I jam on my brakes, open the door, and say, “This is the day of salvation for you. Get in, man.”
He gets in the car, starts crying. He is 16 years old, has been kicked out of his house from Ohio. He is hitching a ride down the Florida Turnpike. I stop and pick him up and he is crying. I say, “What’s the matter, son.” He says, “My parents have kicked me out of the house, everything has gone wrong. I was about to throw myself in front of the very next car that went by and commit suicide. I prayed my last prayer. I said, ‘If there is truly a God in heaven, have the very next car stop and pick me up.’ At that moment, at that second, you jammed on your brakes, pulled over, and opened the door. You said, ‘This is the day of salvation for me.’” Man, it was amazing.
I prayed with him, he received the Lord. I took him back to the University of Florida, we baptized him at our fraternity house and got him filled with the Holy Spirit. We sent him back to Ohio and led his whole family to the Lord.
Listen, ladies and gentlemen. If you want to have a good time in life, you need to hear the voice of God and instantly obey. You will have the most fun you have ever had in your whole life. This is what life is all about. Hear the voice of God, instantly move, and do what He tells you to do. You will see incredible success.
Lord, I pray for all my friends. Lord, I pray, Lord, I bind up all doubt and fear and anxiety, inferiority, inadequacy. You lying devil, get out in Jesus’ name. I release that gift of faith into their lives, to hear the voice of God and instantly move forward and do it for the glory of the King. In Yeshua’s name, in Jesus’ name. Amen.