Hi, there. My name is Patricia King. I am sharing with you on the most exciting subject to me – in the whole universe. It is on the love of God and the power of that love to transform lives. If we could only see the value of love. Often times people think it might be weak or something. Something on the side that is soft and gooey. No! It is so powerful that the love of God literally annihilated sin and annihilated the devil’s works in our life because He was so in love with us. That’s how powerful love is. There isn’t a greater power in all the universe than the love of God. It is the Master’s power. Nothing could separate the Godhead at all. There is no force in the universe that could separate the Godhead except Christ’s love for us. I love that.
Now, I want to read to you out of 1 Corinthians 13. It says, “If I speak with the tongues of men and with angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so as to move mountains, but do not have love – I am nothing. If I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.” Oh my goodness! You could be the most anointed person on the face of the universe, you could be healing every sick person you find, you could be moving mountains, you could be feeding the poor, you could have a voice that is full of justice. But if any of those things are done without love, it says you have nothing, you are nothing, and it profits you nothing.
One of the stories I remember of Bob Jones, the prophet, before he went on to glory a few years ago. Before that, many years ago, he experienced death in his body. He was taken up before the Lord. When he was take up before the Lord, He was asked by God, “Did you learn to love?” That was the one question, “Did you learn to love?” He realized by the conviction of his spirit that he had not learned to love. In fact, he was actually at that time, not a loving person at all. He said, “No I did not learn to love.” The Lord raised him from the dead, brought him back, and said, “You are going to stay in the earth until you learn to love.”
It is so important to God that we make this a number one priority. You know what’s so interesting? When Bob Jones did go on to glory, he went on Valentine’s Day – February 14th! I think God is so cool. He is just a love God and He speaks love in so many different ways. I want to invite you to make love one of the most important aspects of your life – the most important. Ask God, “What does love look like? How can I show your kindness?” In 1 Corinthians 13 it says, “Love is patient.” Are you patient? Because love is. “Love is patient love is kind.” Are you kind? “Love is not jealous. Love does not brag. It is not arrogant, it doesn’t act unbecomingly. It does not seek its own, it is not provoked. It does not take into account wrong suffered. It does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth. It will speak the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.” It says, “Love will not fail.” If we live to know the love of God, our lives will be so full.
It says that the day is going to come when we are not going to just see partially anymore. We are going to see fully. We are going to see God in His fullness and everything in its fullness. It says, “but now, faith hope and love abide. These three. But, the greatest is love.” Let’s pursue the greatest within our life. Let’s stay ahold of love, let’s go after love, let’s live for love. What does that look like for you? Study out 1 Corinthians 13 and ask yourself, is there any adjustment I need to be more patient? Is there any adjustment I need to be more kind? Am I being self-centered? Am I thinking about only me instead of thinking if love is first. Just go through there – it is a plumb line for us. We can use it as a thermometer, how high is my love meter? We all fail and falter in love, but let’s keep our goal before the Lord to learn to love and to learn what love looks like.
Let me pray for you. Father, I know many of us have failed in love. We have missed it so many times. But you, oh God, you are truth, you are true to love you have never been not love. You have never conducted yourself in a way that didn’t include love or come out of love. We want to study you in all your ways, especially as you brought Christ forth to take care of your wrath against us, the punishment against us. Everything that was against sin – you set us free from. We are so grateful, we know that was because of God. Help us be, even as Jesus Said, “As the Father sent me, so also are you in this world.” We want to be love in this world. Help us Father. Amen. Go out an be an amazing love vessel. You’ll put a smile on Daddy God’s face.