Well, hello there. Patricia King here for God TV. I am so excited about the year 2019. I want to particularly encourage you to think of just a time of new beginning or your life. When we enter into transition, when we enter into a new beginning, there are things that help us transition well. One of them is to remember all the goodness of the past season. This is a brand new year, I want to encourage you. One of the things I love to do is journal all the good things God did in the year before and start to praise Him for that. When you start to thank Him for every good thing and let Him bring to your mind even things that are small things that maybe would have slipped your mind, get a pen in front of you, or get in front of your computer and write and write and write. Say, “Holy Spirit, remind me of every good thing that you did in this last year.” You will be amazed at the goodness of God. When you go looking for it, you will be amazed. You won’t be able to stop writing. God is good every single day. He will bring back to your remembrance those things, that you can rejoice in.
Now, when you start praising Him, go through each thing. Say, “Lord, I praise you for that goodness you showed me last year.” What you’re doing through that praise is that you are sowing into the Heavens, you are sowing into His grace, you are sowing into His throne room. Whatever you sow that is what you are going to reap. When you sow into the Heavens, you reap from the Heavens the blessing of God. You are praising Him for His goodness in 2018. So, when you go into 2019, you’ve got this seed in the Heavens to come back in the area of goodness for 2019.
The next thing I like to do when I go into the New Year, is I look at all the warfare elements, or failure elements, and all of us from time to time can make mistakes and make wrong choices that we have consequence for. When you’re looking over your year and there are things that have made you sad, maybe choices you have made, maybe things people have done to you, bring this before the Lord. Say, “Lord, I want the power of the blood to erase this.” And even to erase a lot of the consequence. If you could just give me a clean slate to start this New Year.” You don’t want to go into the year all bound up by anxiety over your mistakes of the last year. Those things are finished. You can learn good lessons.
I like to look at a failure and say, “What can I learn from this?” So instead of becoming a failure, it becomes an instrument for my next success. I highly recommend you doing this. I believe the Lord would really bless that as you do it. It will seal it up, it will seal that area of disappointment up and you can release it to God.
The other thing, of course you want to do, is repent from any offense or unforgiveness that you’ve had towards anyone or any situation. You don’t want to carry that into 2019. You want to be free from offense, free from unforgiveness, free from bitterness, free from judgment. You want a clean heart to go into 2019. As you step into this year, as you move forward month by month, into this year, there is going to be such glory that visits you. There is going to be so many good things. You want your soul in sync with God. You want your soul cleansed. You want no landing strips for the enemy.
The next tool I want to give you that I love is that I like making up decrees for the New Year. Decrees of the Word of God, where you ask the Lord, “What is your word for this coming year? What are the words I have for 2019? It is the Lord crowns this year with bounty. With His abundance. I have an expectation for His abundance in every area of my life and you can too. Another decree I am making into this year is that no weapon formed against me prospers, but every tongue that rises up against me in judgment I condemn so that when the enemy tries to come against me, it doesn’t prosper, it just falls to the ground. I can build a framework of that word at the beginning of the year before I even go into it, and into the first month, the second month, I can decree the Word of God and it builds a framework by which the Spirit can fill it. Okay. I love decrees, I am hung up on decrees for sure because in Job 22:28 it says, “Decree a thing and it will be established and light will shine on all your ways.”
When you take the Word of God, the Scriptures, and make a decree into the next year, over your life – wow. It is going to be powerful. It says in Hebrews 11:3 that, “By faith, God framed the world through the words that He spoke.” So the words that He spoke actually brought into existence the world that we know today. The Word framed it. That is what you are going to do when you make decrees into this year. You are going to make a framework for the year. I am excited for you. We at God TV, we are all excited for you. This will be the best year ever for God TV, it is going to be the best year ever for you, it is going to be the best year ever for those that are committed to following God and obeying His Word. So, we give you, from the deepest part of our heart, our blessing over your life and over yours, those that you love. Our blessing goes towards you and your house. Have a great 2019!