Call Out To God

Saturday, January 5th, 2019

God can use natural solutions, but we don't need to depend upon them. Look to God this day.
Harold Hampton Walker


My name is Harold Hampton Walker.  I am from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Welcome to God Today.  I think that today we should think a little bit about what the Bible says – how God always defends and always answers people that look to Him for their solutions.  When we read the story of the kings in the Bible, we notice that the ones that trusted God, even when they had a huge army coming against them, when they called upon God’s name, when they depended upon Him.  Sometimes they called upon Him in the middle of the battle.  They just cried out! There was one case i just read this morning.  Jehoshaphat was in the battle with Ahab.  Ahab disguised himself.  Jehoshaphat had 32 Syrian enemies going after him.  He had no hope to survive and he just cried out and they just stopped going after him.


There are many stories in the Bible.  We won’t take our time to go into all of them.  But, this same Jehoshaphat, later on he had a tremendous army coming against him, way behind what he could ever face.  He called upon God, fasted, and called all of Israel together.  The women, the children, and the men. He said, “God, we can’t do it.  We don’t have strength, we don’t know what to do.”  The Spirit of God came down on the man and said, “Go forward in faith and in this battle you won’t have to do anything.”  The next morning, Jehoshaphat went forward with the singers in front of the army – that is crazy. He really believed God’s word. The singers in front of the army.  When he reached the looking point there, he looked and the enemy was already dead.  Because of what God does sometimes is make the enemy fight himself.  They had a lot of problems between themselves and the opposing army.  Instead of fighting against God’s people they fought against themselves.


When we look to God, when we are desirous for his intervention, when we don’t depend upon men, upon natural solutions.  God can use natural solutions, but we don’t need to depend upon them.  Look to God this day.  Look to Him, pray, seek His face.  Don’t go out to work just running and trying to solve things. Thank the Lord a little bit before you go out.  Try to hear His voice and see what He wants to say to you.  Let Him fight your battles for you.  You will see a great victory, a great intervention of God in your favor.  May God bless you.