Hi, everybody. My name is Ron Cantor. I am the regional director for God TV in Israel. Welcome to God Today. I want to teach you a brand new word. Ready? “Hallelujah”. Wait, Ron. Come on. That is not a brand new word. Listen. Let me share something with you that is going to make your day.
The word “Hallelujah” doesn’t mean what you think it means. It doesn’t mean, “Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!” It is actually a command. In Hebrew it is in the command form, third person. In other words, when used – it is actually two words. It is “hallelu” and “jah”. Jah means Yahweh or Lord God Almighty. “Te’hallel” is to praise. When I say “Hallelu”, I am speaking plural to a group of people. I am saying, “Hey! You! You, group of people over there, praise Yahweh. Every time that you shout, “Hallelujah”, you are not actually speaking to God. You are speaking to me. You are encouraging them to praise Yahweh. When I shout, “Hallelujah!” I am telling you, everyone on God Today everyone that is able to see this video, I am saying, “Praise Yahweh!” He is awesome, He is amazing, He loves you, and we need to be encouraging each other daily to continue to love, and to praise, and to spend time with Him.
I want to encourage you. The next time you say “Hallelu-jah,” that you understand you are saying two words and that you are encouraging your brothers and sisters to praise Him. Right now, I want to pray for you. Can we do that? Father, in the name of Yeshua Jesus the Messiah, I bless everyone that is watching today. I want to say to them, “Hallelu-jah, Praise the Lord, the living God!” Thanks so much for being a subscriber to God Today.