Our Advocate

Sunday, April 21st, 2019

...you have an advocate in the place it really matters, with our Heavenly Father who loves us and sent the advocate to die for us...
Joseph Infranco


Hi everyone, I am Joe Infranco and welcome to God Today.  I am an attorney with a ministry called Alliance Defending Freedom.  My profession gets some lumps doesn’t it? People don’t always love attorneys – they need us sometimes, but we sure take it on the chin.


Let me change your opinion.  An attorney is an advocate. What we do is a noble profession.  Let me tell you something else, what we do is exactly what Jesus does fo us.  Hebrews says He is our advocate, that He is pleading for us. There is an interesting scene in the book of Acts 7.  Stephen the first martyr, is making a defense. Just before He dies, it says, “He looked up into Heaven, and He said this to the people there.  He said this to the people there, ‘I see Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father.’” Isn’t that interesting? Standing. It is the only reference you will see to Jesus standing.  Theologians have wondered, “What the heck is that about? Why is He standing there?”


I think this might be an answer.   Even in the ancient world, just as today, when an advocate was pleading for you, he or she would stand up.  That is the position of an advocate. You rise before the judge to make a case. I have a feeling maybe part of the picture there, was Jesus was standing and saying to His Father, “Father, this is one of mine.  He is trusted in me. I am welcoming him home.”


When you are down, just remember this: you have an advocate in Heaven making intercession for you, the Scripture says…around the clock.  He is there. Aren’t you glad you have an advocate in the place it really matters, with our Heavenly Father who loves us and sent the advocate to die for us?  I hope that maybe that encourages you and make you feel a little bit better about your lawyer.


Father, thank you, this is something that we need to understand more, that you have sent Jesus to be the advocate for us.  We are eternally grateful for that. In Jesus’ name. Thanks, it is always great to be with you. I am Joe Infranco and this has been God Today.