Jesus Is My Testimony

Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

Tell your story. Remember your story. When the enemy tries to beat you up and tries to get you to question who you are - remember.
Jennifer Mallan


Hi, my name is Jennifer Mallan from Reliant Family Church in Tampa, Florida.  Welcome to God Today Today I want to talk to you about Jesus and my testimony.  I love the book of Revelations. It says “We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.”  Testimonies are so important. They are our story – they are our God story. What’s your God story?


Mine, in a little tiny capsule is this.  I was unwanted, I was unplanned, I was given up for adoption.  In that plan, there was a broken adoption because the family that adopted me got pregnant two weeks later, with a biological child.  So, I grew up in an environment saying, “Where do I belong? Who am I? Where did I come from? See me, notice me, care about me, am I important, do I matter?”  I believed a lot of lied form the enemy as a child. I didn’t have the ability to understand all the questions that went through my mind. Maybe that is part of your story.  Let me tell you about how precious Jesus is. I spent my time seeking and knocking and asking, as a little girl. I had an amazing grandmother that was a woman of faith that would take me to Sunday school and church and teach me catechism.  I looked and I tried, but I just didn’t understand or comprehend Jesus.


But God.  There is always that “But God”.  That tipping point, that defining moment where you turn a corner.  As a 20 year old, I walked into my grandmother’s living room. I was broken.  I love Christian television, I love social media, I love platforms like this. Because I was watching a broadcast and I was listening to an altar call.  I was listening to a host and a co-host talk about Jesus. All of the sudden, the Holy Spirit came into the room where I was and grabbed a hold of this yearning, aching, broken heart.  This girl that just wanted to be needed and known, and wanted to know who her Father was and wanted to be filled with purpose, and belonging, and life. I got on my knees and I repeated the sinner’s prayer after this christian program.  


You know how wonderful God is?  Not only did I feel the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit, not only did I understand and see Jesus and the finished work of the cross for the first time, not only did I understand that I was spirit-fully and wonderfully made, according to Psalm 139.  But, to wrap it all up and put icing on top with a cherry on top of that, the co-host got up and sang a song called, “Jennifer, Come Home.” My name, “Jennifer, come home, we are waiting for you. Jennifer, come home, how we missed you.” That sealed the deal.  I never looked back. I never questioned. Did I have difficulties in my christian walk as I started those baby steps? Of course. But, I never questioned that Jesus died for me and that He wanted to give me life and life more abundantly on this Earth. John 10:10, “a rich and satisfying life.”  That day, I drew near to God and He drew near to me, according to James 4:7-8. God is so good.


That is my story.  Now, for the last 28 years, I have been able to share with other broken Jennifer’s and other broken people, and others that have gone through rejection and betrayal, and not belonging and not feeling wanted or accepted.  I have been able to share about the Jesus that meets you right where you are. About the Jesus that comes and reveals Himself, about the Jesus that draws you in and draws you to the cross. That is part of my story. That is my Jesus testimony.  You have a Jesus testimony. Tell your story. Remember your story. When the enemy tries to beat you up and tries to get you to question who you are – remember. Rehearse and share your testimony. It is how you overcome.


Can I pray for you?  Father, thank you for these men and women.  God, thank you for their God story. Thank you for the work you have done in their life.  Thank you they were lost, but now they are found, they were blind but now they see. Thank you for what is ahead.  Remind them. Stir them up today. Give them hope, God. In Jesus’ name.