Hello, my name is Patricia King. It is my honor to be able to minister the word and the heart of God to you today. The subject that I love more than anything is the topic of God’s love. It is so amazing. I remember the first time that I came to know God. The night that I was born again I had been at a meeting with a number of believers from the Anglican Church up in Canada. They had invited me to come and I was trembling on my way up there I didn’t know what to expect. When I went in there I heard them share testimonies of how God loved them so much that He forgave all of their sin and He gave them this brand new life. I remember thinking as I was listening to their testimonies. I thought, “I wonder if God could love the likes of me? I know that He forgave them of their sins, but my sins are maybe worse and maybe He has a limit.”
These thoughts were going through my mind, but when I went home that night I got down on my hands and knees and I remember saying to God, “God, I have got nothing to give you except my mess. I am nothing but a mess. You’re so perfect, you’re God. And how can I approach you being such a mess, but those people up the street tonight? They said that you came into their life and forgave them of all their sin and gave them this brand new beginning, this brand new life on the inside. I know I am not worthy of that, but if you would do that for me I would so appreciate it.” To be honest with you I didn’t know if He would or not. I just felt so dark inside. I just felt so defiled, so dirty, so evil inside. I didn’t know if there would be any hope for me to be free.
But, when I just asked that simple request, you know, “If you would come in. I would like to have you come in, if you want to give me a new life I would love to have it like you did for them.”
He didn’t hesitate. I actually felt like He came in with this warm – I call it liquid love – there’s no other way to describe it. It was just like in a moment. All my guilt and all my shame and everything was just lifted off of me. I felt the purity of who He had created me to be. I felt how much He adored me. It was so beautiful and it was life transforming. That night I fell in love. I fell in love with God. He was so beautiful, so kind, so good. I knew I didn’t deserve it. When you’re touched by that kind of love you just want to respond and love back. I didn’t even think of why I was loving back. I just knew I had been loved and now I could be love to others.
The very next morning after I had gotten off the floor my eyes were red from crying all night. Not cries or tears of sorrow, but it was with so much joy, so much elation. I saw my neighbor’s house lit up so I went over and I knocked on the door. I said, “Jesus came into my heart last night. He forgave me of all my sins, He can forgive the likes of you too.” That was the beginning of sharing His wonderful love with everyone I could find in that next season. I would go out for walks, I would go for drives, I would look up people’s names in the phone book and call them. I would do whatever I could to tell people how much Jesus loved them. And how that love can transform your life. That is the key. That is what God wants for you. He wants you to be loved. He wants you to know His love because that love will transform you into His image.
I have a scripture I want to read you. It is out of 1 John 3 it says, “Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us that we should be called the children of God and such we are.”
Wow. God loved us so much that 2,000 years ago He sent His own son as us. He became a human being, entered into the human race in a fallen world yet He was without sin. He did everything for us so that we could have rights to ending with God. So that we could be with Him for all of eternity. Why would He do that? Only love. That was His motive. His love caused Him to endure. His love caused Him to suffer. The testings of love. His love for us. His love for you. Brought Him to the cross. He hung on that cross with all of your sin on Him, all of mine. “Oh, behold what manner of love is this?” Not only did He forgive you your sin, not only did He become your sin, but then when He gave up His spirit He went and paid the penalty for your sin. You will never know hell, you will never know separation from God because Jesus paid the price for you. Why? Because He is a “love” God. When you get to know this beautiful love God your life will be transformed. Everything you do will be motivated by love.
I would like to pray for you right now that you have a revelation of this awesome, amazing love. Father, in the name of Jesus I pray for all my friends who are watching on God TV. I ask, Lord, that you would fill them with a revelation of the love. “Behold what manner of love is this?” What is this love that has been bestowed upon them? Give them the revelation of that love. That they would know that they are the son of God, they are the daughter of God. His very own. Why? Because He’s crazy in love with them. You are crazy in love with each and every one of them. There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for them. So, Lord, let that love penetrate their heart. Let that love be enlarged within them. Let that love motivate them and lead them from day to day as they live on this earth to proclaim you. God bless.