Hi friend, my name is Lydia Marrow, and I serve at Shake The Nations Ministries, and it’s my joy to come to you with this edition of God Today. I want to read to you a scripture we’ve all heard a million times, but we’ve got to plug back into the truth of this because the Holy Spirit is our power source. The word of God says in Zechariah 4, verses 7 and 8, it says, “So he entered and said to me ‘This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel. Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit’ said the Lord of hosts. ‘Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel, you shall become a plain. And he shall bring forth the capstones with shouts of ‘Grace, grace to it!’”
I want to remind you today, friend, that there is nothing God has assigned us to do that we can do in our own strength. There’s only one source of power for the believing Christian and it is the spirit of the living God. Because God wants us so much to fulfill the assignment that He has for our life He has placed His spirit on the inside of us. You know, without the Holy Ghost, we could never fulfill the Great Commission, we could never live a holy life, we could never move in healing, signs, and wonders. But, with the Holy Spirit on the inside of us, there is nothing limited to us. We can do anything that God says we can do because the power of the Holy Ghost is on the inside of us.
Friend, that’s why I’m not ashamed of Him. I don’t put Him in a side room, I don’t try to explain Him or excuse Him. The Holy Spirit is not a junior member of the Trinity, He is God almighty living on the inside of us. So wherever you are right now maybe you don’t feel adequate to live up to what God’s called you to do. News flash: you’re not. Neither am I, neither is anybody else, but when God lives on the inside of you, there’s nothing you can’t do.
So, Let’s just take a moment and pray right now, Holy Spirit, we honor you. We honor you for who you are. You are God Almighty living on the inside of your children and we thank you for the power that you provide for us to do what is absolutely, totally impossible on our own.
Father, for every one of my brothers and sisters that are watching right now I ask you to let your Spirit come on them right now, whatever they might be doing. Let them feel the strength that can only come from the mighty third person of the Trinity. Fill them with power from on high, right now. And I pray right now that you would demonstrate who you are to the world around them, God. With salvation, with healing, with miracles, with everything you do, with everything that’s available through your Word. We thank you for it, Lord, and we receive it right now in the name of Jesus. God bless you, friend. We’re looking forward to seeing you next time. Have a wonderful day.