Welcome to God Today. My name is Terry Tyson. I am the founder of “PartneringWithFather.com”. Today we are looking at one of my favorite scriptures – Ephesians 4:6. Which says, “One God and Father of all. Who is above all, by all, and in all.” Did you listen to those three dimensions? Above, by, and in. All three dimensions are ways we can view our partnership with Father. Today let’s look at that second dimension. That Father is by us, He’s next to us. Some translations say He is through us.
Father is not only seated in Heaven and we relate to Him there. That’s where we begin. But, there is His presence, it’s Him with us. I shared how sometimes He has our back. Sometimes He’s by our left side, He’s by our right side, but He is with us. On location in the midst of our problems. If we see Him as Father who is with us, our courage, and our faith, and our trust goes off the chart – when we are facing obstacles and difficulties. If we don’t have Him with us and we only have Him way up there, we are really vulnerable to feel abandoned and by ourselves and helpless. Even challenged by the lie that He doesn’t care and He isn’t with us.
Let me pray with you. Father, I thank you that you’re a father who is by us – right next to us. I ask that you would open that reality and that friendship of you right next to us. Let it expand from us loving you in Heaven above to also loving you with us. Let us partner with you – with us. Let our trust, and our faith, and our courage explode because of how huge and how big you are and you are on location with us and that changes everything. We ask these things in Jesus’ name.