Welcome to God Today. My name is Dale Mast, author of And David Perceived He Was King. I wanted to share a couple of thoughts from it. First of all, God has created you with a destiny. And for you to enter into the destiny God has for you, you have to realize He knew you and He formed you in your mother’s womb. Before He even formed you, He knew you. What does that even mean? He has a blueprint for your life. He put His genius inside of you. When you discover that genius that He has put inside of you, wonderful things start to happen.
When you fulfill your destiny, you can tell because not only do you win, but you cause other people to win. When David stood in front of Goliath, he did not just win a battle over the giant. But, he literally caused the whole army of Israel to rise up and to come into victory when they had been frozen in fear. What am I saying to you? If there is a David anointing on your life, and sometimes you walk into a room or situation and people can’t move in faith, but God has anointed you to break things open. If you can take down that Goliath in the room which God has anointed you to, people will come out of hiding. People will believe they can win because you have won. Your victory actually helps usher people into a place of believing they can win.
I don’t know what you are facing today, but God does. He sees you and He is working not just for you, but He is working through you. I speak that Davidic anointing is coming over you. You are not just going to stand and speak, but you are going to run toward Goliath because God has put victory inside of you. I pray today that as you go through this day, maybe it is somebody who is down, maybe it is somebody you can tell they are fighting some depression, maybe it is somebody who cannot get a hold of a place to believe for their future. I believe God is sending you into the midst of people’s frozen situations to bring back the spirit of victory. You are special in God’s Kingdom. I just release a Davidic anointing over you to shift things in this day, in the name of Jesus.