Beloved, I am Dr. Mark Chironna, welcome to God Today. Paul in his second epistle to Timothy, chapter 1 verse 7, says to his son in the gospel (Timothy), “Timothy, God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind.” I know you’ve heard that verse, you know it by heart, you could recite it in your sleep. I want to give you a context to start your day with real encouragement.
Timothy is a young man who is facing major challenges. He has a tendency to be a little bit anxious because there are those who question his authority, those who question his validity, and there are those who are trying to intimidate him. As a matter of fact, Paul, when he says, “God has not give us a spirit of fear.” Is saying to someone he knows well – this is his son in the gospel – and he is concerned, he wants him to succeed. He knows he is not going to around much longer because Paul, when he writes Second Timothy, is as close as he is can to be to being executed and beheaded by Rome for his preaching to gospel. He is about to be martyred. He wants to leave a legacy behind for his son, Timothy, in the gospel, to grow from. He says, “God has not give us a spirit of fear”. What he’s saying there is God didn’t call you to walk in intimidation when others challenge you and try to control and manipulate you.
“Timothy, I want you to remember something, not only have you not been given a spirit of intimidation, but here is what He has given you: God has given you a spirit of power. He has empowered you and He has caused you to walk in love. Because He has empowered you to walk in love, your mind is going to discover how disciplined and how sound it really is. Don’t let anyone second guess you, son. Don’t let anyone second guess what you think, how you think, the way you are walking because I have trained you well. I have cautioned you as I can as a father in the gospel. You have powerful roots from your grandmother on down through the generations. You know the faith once for all delivered to the saints. You also know that adversity is what enlarges your faith. Don’t let these players intimidate you. Walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. Walk in the love of Christ. Realize you are thinking straight and you are talking straight. As you do that you are going to make an impact because as you carry His presence from that perspective, your presence will impact everyone that you touch.”
Today you need to remember that God hasn’t given you a spirit of intimidation. Walk in the power of the Spirit. Flow in the love of Christ and trust the soundness of the way your mind is being trained as it is renewed in the Spirit. Bless you.