Welcome to God Today. This is Dr. Nasir Siddiki, wisdomministries.org. I have much to share with you on a word called “grace”. Grace. You might have heard lots of teaching on it, but I want to share this scripture with you today. It’s in 1 Peter 4:10, “As each of you has received a gift, a particular spiritual talent, a gracious, divine endowment, employ it for one another as befits good trustees as God’s many-sided grace.”
Now, when I did a study on this, here’s what I found out. The word grace is actually the Greek word “Charis” and we get the English word “charismatic”, someone under grace. Now, it says each of you has received a gift. So when you and I got saved, we received a gift from God. But, guess what? The word “gift” is also the same word “Charis” in the greek. So you could read it this way, “as each of you has received a grace gift, a gift from God.” Then he says, “a spiritual talent, a gracious endowment, employ it for one another as good trustees of God’s many-sided grace.”
My brothers and sisters, grace has many sides to it. It’s like looking at a diamond. A pearl is round, but a diamond has many sides. Grace for salvation, grace for healing, grace for miracles, grace for prosperity, grace for peace, grace for protection. Every time you look at grace you see a different aspect of God. Because it is God’s ability on you. It is God’s gift to you, to fulfill God’s plan for your life. That was the whole purpose of grace. Grace was given so we could fulfill God’s plan for our lives. To do the work that He’s called us to do. Grace was given for us to fulfill a work, not to run from work.
You get a hold of this revelation you’ll find out you are a good trustee of God’s grace when you use that gift, that grace gift, that talent, that ability that God has placed in you when you gave your life to Christ to befit and benefit others in your life. The whole purpose of grace was to go share it with someone else.
Let me pray that you’ll get a revelation of grace and the gift that God has placed in you so you will bless many people through that grace. I thank you, Lord, Holy spirit sir, ask you to reveal this revelation to every person so they will know what is that grace gift, that ability of God that is going to cause them to do things that they could never even dream of doing. Reveal that to them now so they can walk in the fullness of that grace. That they will be good trustees of that grace and use it to bless the body of Christ. We ask this now in Jesus’ name, Amen.