Hi, my name is Jeffrey Levinson and welcome to God Today. I’d like to talk to you today and title it, “And His Hand Is Outstretched Still”. If I might, I’m going to read a scripture. “For a child is born to us, a son is given to us and the government is upon His shoulders. And his name is called [Pele-joez-el-gibbor-abi-ad-sar-shalom] wonderful counsel, almighty God, the everlasting Father, the prince of peace.” You know, there’s a couple of things that brought me to knowledge of Jesus. And the scripture I just read is from Isaiah 9. The Lord does things in 3’s. Three times in Isaiah 9, He says, “His anger was not turned away, His hand is outstretched still…His anger was not turned away, His hand is outstretched still…His anger was not turned away, His hand is outstretched still.” I took that to mean, as I was seeking God, that His hand was outstretched to help me. But, the sages would say that even then, it would mean that His hand is ready to smite. His hand is outstretched still.
But, when you’re coming to knowledge of the Lord when you need something to grasp onto when you need Jesus in your life. I can tell you for a fact, His hand is outstretched still. Whatever you’re going through, reach up and grab His hand. Wherever you’ve been in the trial, reach up. His hand is outstretched still. He’s not a God who is set to smite you – He is set to smite those about you. Those that would have evil for you – those who would come against you.
So, if you’re going through something I would just employ you right now: reach up to Jesus’ hand. His hand is outstretched still. Let me pray for you if you’re going through something now. If you’re in a tough time if you’re wondering, “God, are you there?” Father, I pray right now for whoever is watching this. Whoever is going through a trial or a tribulation. That they would look up and they would see your hand and you would indeed pick them up, lift them out of the pit and grab them so they can enjoy the day, the week, the year, and the life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.