Hi, I’m Joshua Gay, I am the lead pastor of High Prise Orlando and this is God Today. I am so glad you are watching, I believe the Lord is going to say something to you, speak to your life, and encourage you today. I was thinking the other day about this. And I was reading in the Bible and in Acts 17, Paul shows up in Thessaloniki and He begins to work miracles and God is doing incredible things and people get angry. People who weren’t people of the Kingdom, people who weren’t believers start getting angry. They make this declaration as they’re actually trying to run them out of town, they said, “Those that have turned the world upside down have come here also.”
There is this declaration made over Paul, that he is one who turns the world upside down. I believe in this hour, God is still raising up a generation that will turn the world upside down. The Lord wants to see things flipped, He wants to see things changed. He wants revival and God wants to raise up revolutionaries in this very hour. He wants to raise up people that are reformers, people that will see culture changed.
For far too long, the Church has ignored the culture that we are living in. We have taken a disposition of saying, “We are going to be out of here soon anyway, who does it really matter what is going on in culture?” Well, my friends, it matters because Jesus taught His people to pray this way: Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
I believe that our world is intended to be a reflection of Heaven right now. One of the ways that is enforced and that happens is by believers rising up with the spirit of revolution that looks at the current state of things and realizes it is not where God wants us to be right now. This is not the end game, this is not the perfect will and the perfect intent of the Father. He raises up people to lay hands on the sick and see them recover.
In Heaven, there is no sickness. If the Lord told us to pray Heaven into Earth, that means we have to pray sickness out. In Heaven, there is no poverty which means to pray Heaven into Earth we need to take dominion over poverty and see it vanquished. And this happens through many different methodologies. Some people do it by preaching and teaching. Other people do it by getting involved in social issues and seeing the Kingdom change there. The Church is intended to be involved in all of these areas, in every sector of society, to see revolution change. Not to be conformed by the world but to see the world transformed by the power of Jesus. I believe the Lord is raising up that revolutionary generation on this day and in this hour.
I think back in the American Revolution, one of the culminating battles was the Battle of Yorktown. Whenever Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at the Battle of Yorktown, in traditional culture, the army that surrendered would go away and they would sing a song in honor of the army that they surrendered too. And whenever Cornwallis and his army were marching out of Yorktown, the song they sang was an old British drinking song, actually. It was called “The World Turned Upside Down”. There was a proclamation being made over these people that they were revolutionaries. The same proclamation is being made over Paul that he is a revolutionary that turned the world upside down. I believe people are going to make that same proclamation over your life, as you step into purpose and into destiny. You are a revolutionary doing what God has called you to do to see the world turned upside down.
Let’s pray together right now. Father, thank you for every person that is watching this right now. I thank you for the spirit of the revolutionary that you have called them to. I thank you, Lord, that you have equipped them and armed them in this day and in this hour to see principalities and powers pulled down. We know we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this age, against hosts of wickedness in heavenly places. We thank you that we are pulling those down this day. Lord, we are revolutionaries who are called as warriors in your Kingdom to fight against the enemy. We thank you, Lord, we are seeing the world turned upside down and we are seeing territory claimed for the Kingdom of God in the mighty name of Jesus.
Friend, you are a revolutionary and you are called to the greater things. You are called to turn the world upside down! I am Joshua Gay and this has been God Today.