Measure Of Faith

Sunday, May 24th, 2020

The Bible says, as a human being on the planet, and especially as a believer in Jesus Christ, we have all been given the measure of faith.
Robert Henderson


Hello, this is Robert Henderson with Robert Henderson Ministries and this is God Today.  I want to thank you for joining us.  You know, the Lord loves us very much but He also challenges us to step into new dimensions and in particular, new dimensions of faith.  Many have said that faith is like the purchasing power in the spirit realm.  In other words, what we obtain we get through faith.  The Bible says in Hebrews 11 that all these different ones by faith and through faith were able to accomplish great things and win great victories.


I believe faith is like the great equalizer.  Even though I might not be as talented as one person, or have as much money as another person, the Bible teaches that every one of us has been given a measure of faith.  That is out of Romans 12.  Whether you believe it or not, you actually do have a dimension of faith that Jesus wants you to develop.  


He actually wants you to take that faith and begin to use it.  That is why He said, “If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed…”  What did He mean by that?  He didn’t just speak of the size of something, but a seed is that which has potential in it.  But only when it is planted.  In other words, I need to take the measure of faith that I have whether I believe I have it or not.  The Bible says I do.  I have to take that measure of faith and I have to plant it, I have to begin to use it, I have to begin to believe, I have to begin to take risks and step out into different dimensions. The Bible says when I do that, if I have faith as a grain of mustard seed, the scripture actually says that great things will be accomplished.


The grain of mustard seed actually would grow into a  great, the Bible says, tree.  It was the potential that was locked up in the faith that people released when they chose to use that faith in that dimension.  Here is what I want to challenge you to do today: take Jesus at His word, believe what He has said, and begin to use the faith that you do have on the inside of you.  Many people feel, “I don’t really have anything because I don’t feel that.” No! The Bible says, as a human being on the planet, and especially as a believer in Jesus Christ, we have all been given the measure of faith.


Let me pray for you right now.  Father, I want to pray right now, in Jesus’ name, for the unlocking of the faith that you put on the inside of your people.  Let them begin to use it and as they do, let mountains be moved and let the impossible begin to happen in Jesus’ name.  God bless you.  This is God Today with Robert Henderson.