Hello, everybody. This is David Ursin with Making Jesus Known Evangelistic Ministries and welcome to God Today. I am an evangelist. I get the privilege to literally travel all over the world and see thousands and thousands of people come to Jesus in one night, one evening. It is phenomenal.
When I watch the news, I hear nothing but bad news. I hear about the drunk driving accident over here, or the terrorist attack over there, or the school shooting happening over there. It is nothing but bad news. But, my friends, there is amazing news going on all over the world. People are encountering the one and true living God.
When I watch the news, I have a whole different perspective than many people. Here is the truth, in Matthew 13, Jesus talks about the parable of the wheat and the tares. The wheat represents the good, the tares represent the evil. Jesus says that the two must grow together, the dark and the light. Evil and good. Dark will get darker, but the light will get lighter. So when I watch the news, and I hear about the drunk driving accident, and when I hear about the mass shooting, or the terrorist attack, or the drunk driving accident, yes I do mourn. I feel bad about what is going on. But, I have a different perspective. My perspective is that when I hear about the evil stuff going on in the world, I think to myself, “The light just got lighter.” The light just got lighter.
My friends, that is the only option. Darkness will not increase without light increasing with it. Who is the light? I am the light. You are the light. We are the light of the world. When we go into the dark places of the world, our light will shine even more. So my friends, let me encourage you that Jesus is winning. He is winning and He is going to win the war. He uses men and women like me and you to go outshine the light of Christ all over the world. For you, it might be at the gas station, or the grocery store, or Wal-mart. But, my friends, I encourage you to be unashamed of the Gospel of Christ. Which is Romans 1:16, “Be unashamed of the Gospel.” As a matter of fact, at the gas station or the grocery store. I believe you are the light of the world. Don’t believe the bad news that you hear on the news. Because we know that the good news of God is being shown all over the world.