New Doors

Monday, July 13th, 2020

The power of God can come into you and really launch you into everything He has prepared. You are not called to do this alone.
Paul Pemberton


Hi, my name is Paul Pemberton, I am a student evangelist with Christ For All Nations.  Welcome to God Today.  I want to talk to you about closing doors so that God can open other doors.  You know, when I started really pursuing God, it was about two years ago.  I was in a corporate setting, working for a big technology company that I had built my entire life up to that point, really pursuing that career path.  I found out it was all for naught.  It wasn’t what I was called to do, it wasn’t what I enjoyed doing, but financially and just on the outside, it really made a lot of sense which made me think that that was the door I was supposed to continue to go through.


But what had happened was I encountered the Holy Spirit.  I was at a church service, I was prayed for, and I felt the presence and the power of God like I had never experienced before.  I often say, “This is when my life started.”  From that very moment of encountering God through the power of the Holy Spirit, God began to shut doors on this previous life of working in technology and in the big corporate setting to begin this new life of fully committed to pursuing Him with everything.


Now, your calling might not look to going into ministry and evangelism specifically.  But I feel that if you are watching this, there is something the Holy Spirit is speaking right now with Him wanting to close doors so He can open other ones.  If you have never encountered the Holy Spirit personally, I am going to pray for that now.  For that is the beginning of the end of the old life. That is where everything begins to close so the power of God can come into you and really launch you into everything He has prepared.  You are not called to do this alone. 


 Let me pray for you. God, in the power of the name of Jesus, I declare over every viewer a personal encounter with you, Holy Spirit.  Holy Spirit, I ask in your presence, in your fire, you fall upon everyone watching this.  Fill their hearts.  I pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and a refreshment of the Holy Spirit.  In Jesus’ name, I just call forward every old door that has been opened for far too long and I declare it to be shut right now in Jesus’ name. All old ideas, old thought patterns, and old ways of living.  We just declare those ways are past.  Repentance says to turn away from the old so that you can turn to the new.  We declare that right now that you will turn to the new.  The new things of God, the new doors that He is opening up.  I speak clarity and purity and love and joy over this next season in your life.  God bless you.