Greetings, beloved. I am Dr. Mark Chironna and this is God Today. I want to give you a thought for the day. The scripture tells us in Genesis that Abraham went out not knowing where he was going. The Book of Hebrews picks up on that. Abraham is the father of faith and the father of the faithful. You could say that from an allegorical perspective, Abraham represents the spirit of faith.
We live in a culture where we are told if we do one, two, or three this will happen. We love techniques, we love procedures, we love how-tos. They just don’t work when it comes to life in the spirit of the walk of faith. There is no technique to faith. Faith launches out into the unknown. Trusting in a God who says, “I will show you, but you have got to start moving.” Abraham went out not knowing. If you are looking for every T to be crossed, and every I to be dotted in relation to divine guidance before you take the next step, you’re not going to get that far. Faith gives you the freedom to experiment, to explore, and listen carefully: to make mistakes in the direction of your destiny.
When you discover that faith isn’t a technique, it is not an energy, faith is substantively your intimacy with God the Father through Jesus by the Holy Spirit who is among other things the Spirit of faith. Whereby abiding in Jesus through the Spirit, you develop a childlike trust in His goodness, in His love, in His grace, in His empowerment, and in His mercy. Even if you don’t know what lies ahead, you know you’re following Him. It is okay to give yourself permission then to put one foot in front of another and take the next, easiest, though not obvious, step. Because we walk by faith, and not by sight.
You will eventually get to where God is calling you to be because Jesus is the author and the perfecter of your faith. But you have got to be like Abraham, going out not knowing. If you are willing not to know, you will get to know what you’ve never known. This is Dr. Mark Chironna, thanks for watching God Today.