Hello, friend. I am Brenda Kunneman, Lord of Hosts Church and One Voice Ministries in Omaha, Nebraska. Welcome to God Today. One of the biggest challenges that people deal with in life is financial hardship. We have pastored our church in Omaha for 20 years now. One of the things I have seen more people walk through is a difficulty when it comes to their money. One of the hardest places to release ourselves to trust God is with our finances. I heard a man say one time, “Financial worry is one of the hardest, most challenging worries that a person can deal with.” That is so true.
I want you to be encouraged by this testimony. I remember years ago, Hank, my husband and I, we were in a place – a very difficult financial challenge. The Lord spoke to us. We have always trusted God without money. We made a decision almost 30 years ago, to release our finances into God’s hands and trust Him in supernatural ways. We were at a minister’s conference. The Lord spoke in my heart. He said, “I want you to sow the last amount of money in your bank account.” I learned enough to follow God, all these years. I didn’t even hesitate. I told my husband, let’s write the check. We wrote that check for $357. It was all the money we had at that time. We were believing God for a miracle.
We got home, and a businessman had sent us a check for $3300. He did that every month for the next 12 months. He said, “I want to support you so you can go out and keep preaching the Gospel without financial fear.”
What am I saying to you today? When we release our little that we have to trust God, God will bless us in ways we can’t imagine. I have so many testimonies like that. God wants you to learn how to trust Him with your money today. Trust God. God is in the business of blessing us and taking care of our financial needs. I stretch my hand towards any hardship over you. I say, in Jesus’ name, whatever difficult place you have been in your finances, right now, I speak a release over that. I say a peace comes to your spirit where you can trust God your finances are going to be alright. This is a season to trust the Lord. Be blessed in Jesus’ name.