Hi, I am Rob Radosti, founder of Church 14. You can find me on Facebook at @RobRadosti. Welcome to God Today. Today I want to talk to you for a few minutes about warfare. This is a very tense subject. It can be intense, I know a lot of you watching have experienced warfare. I and my family have experienced warfare. When you are in Christ, how do you respond to warfare? You might be dealing with warfare at work, or your health, or your finances. Or whatever. Another term could be “opposition”. You can sense the opposition even though you sense the Spirit of God, the presence of God, you can still sense opposition. What do we do with that?
I want to encourage you with Colossians 2:9, it says, “Jesus is the head of principalities and powers. In Him, all the fullness of God dwells bodily. You are complete in Him.” I want you to go ahead and read today, Colossians 2, especially 2:9-11. And I think it is really going to encourage you. I want you to remember whenever you are facing a situation where you can feel the opposition, that Jesus is the head of principalities and powers.
How do we pull that into the natural? How do we pull that into the practical? If you read the stories in the Gospels where the devil comes to tempt Jesus, you will see that the temptation came, the challenge came, the opposition came. But what you see from Jesus is that He did not identify with the opposition. He did not identify with that assignment. You might hear that word, especially in the prophetic world: assignment. What does that mean? First of all, it should be a positive term. Heaven has an assignment on you. I am not worried about Hell’s assignment of the devil’s assignment. You need to know that Heaven’s assignment is on you. When there is anything else, any other opposition presents itself, you need to not identify with that assignment. You only identify with Heaven’s assignment because Jesus is the head of principalities and powers. It doesn’t mean you aren’t going to sense other things, it doesn’t mean God is not going to show you things. But ultimately, Jesus is the head.
Remember that, whatever you are facing today, this week, next week. Maybe you have a big court date coming up, or surgery coming up, or whatever it is. I want you to remember don’t identify with the assignment of the enemy. Identify with the assignment of Heaven. It is one of the main keys I have learned by the grace of God – how to deal with warfare. He will turn your mourning into dancing. He will turn it into laughter and joy. Jesus said, “I have come to give you life. I have come to give you life abundantly.” Right? You may not always feel that, but it definitely helps when we don’t identify with the opposing assignment. I want you to remember that. Colossians 2, Jesus is the head and you are complete in Him, no matter what comes against you. No matter what you are facing. You are complete in Him. Let me pray for you really quickly, before we close this out.
Father, in Jesus’ name, I ask all my friends around the world, watching this right now, Lord, that they would learn supernaturally how to only identify with Heaven’s assignment. Maybe the assignment of the enemy is fear, or religious condemnation, or whatever it is. Father, help us to only identify with the assignment of Heaven that is on us. Just like Jesus did when the devil came to Him in the wilderness. Lord, we thank you, right now, whatever it is that you are fire is there, your glory is there, and Lord, that your presence is even going through the screen right now. You are going to go before them and after them and be their rearguard today. As they walk out this reality of Heaven’s assignment on their lives. No warfare will befall them, will take them down, and you will turn their mourning into dancing in Jesus’ mighty name. I am Rob Radosti again. Founder of Church 14, and thank you so much for viewing God Today. Have an awesome day.