Hi, my name is Millie Joy, I am a co-founder and pastor at Church 14, thank you for tuning into God Today. I would like to talk to you a little bit about God’s strength…in times of hardship and God’s strength when we feel weak.
A few years ago, when my son was four-years-old, he got diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. It was blood cancer. It was one of the hardest times of our life as a family. Now, we had been in ministry for many years. We had served God and loved God and we had been through things, all through our lives. We had come from radical backgrounds, both my husband and I, we had traveled the world and seen God perform amazing, miraculous miracles. We had seen people raised from the dead, we had seen people’s cancer get healed. And here we are, in a hospital room and the doctor tells us, “Your son has cancer.” We would ask questions like, “What are the statistics? What does it look like?” And all these things. And they didn’t even have answers for us. We decided at that point, we were going to start speaking – here is the key – we were going to start speaking the victory before we could even see it manifest.
But, as time went on, and watching him go through the treatments, it was very taxing, very taxing on our family, very taxing on the emotions with everything going on, and we were still very much a part of our church, and going and doing everything we felt like we needed to do. And also wanted to do it. But, even in it, we felt this over time, weakness. I could cry out to God, I would need the strength just to get up and go to church. “God, how will I even worship you at church?”
Now, I feel like worship is a part of our whole being. We can worship God while we are sleeping, we can worship God with our talk, we can worship God in many ways. But, to actually go and be physical in my worship, I didn’t even feel like I had the strength at the time to do that. I would just pray – I had many questions for God. “God, why is this happening? God, how are we going to get through this?” And He led me to the scripture… “in my weakness”…
And also, I was worried about everyone else. As a minister, and someone with a heart for and love for people I wanted to go make sure I was helping everyone else. But how do I do this in my weakness? How do I continue on in my weakness? My faith never wavered, I could never turn around and say God isn’t good in any circumstance, but I felt weak. I felt like, “God speak through me, talk through me,” and He led me to the scripture that says, “In my weakness, His strength is perfected.” This hit me with a whole new revelation. I didn’t have to pretend to be strong. It didn’t mean I had to pretend what was happening actually wasn’t happening, or act like I had some kind of strength in my own power. But I could be weak and rest in His strength. In His strength, even in your weakness, His strength is perfected.
I want you to take hold of that promise today, Even if you are feeling weak or you are going through a tough time, His strength is being perfected in you. If you just do what you need to do, if God tells you to do something, if God is speaking to you, get up and be obedient to His call. Be obedient even in the hardest times. He is going to empower you when you least expect it. You are going to be able to do things you never even thought…for Him. You are going to plant seeds you never thought…for Him. Even in your hardest moments.
I want to encourage you today. Let me pray for you really quickly. Thank you, Lord, for anyone going through a really tough time where they feel weak and they feel like they don’t have the strength to go on. God, I just thank you Lord that your strength is perfected in their weakness. They don’t have to pretend. They don’t have to act like what is happening isn’t happening. They don’t have to act like they can’t cry, they can’t process, or grieve, or go through the things they need to go through. But that your strength is continually with them. You are continually with them. You said in your word that nothing separates us from your love, nothing separates us from your love and that you are close to the brokenhearted. I pray this for you if you are weak and brokenhearted, and you feel like God is far from you, He is right there with you. He is not far from you, He is right there with you. His strength is being perfected in you. Thank you for watching God Today. My name is Millie Joy.