Hi, my name is Jamie Lyn Wallnau and I am the host of a podcast called Set Apart and this is God Today. I want to talk to you about “a shaking”. Oftentimes, we will experience as a global entity, or as a nation, or as a city, or as a family unit, or individually, a shaking that comes. It seems as though everything in our works is being shaken. Because God is coming in and He is shaking everything that can be shaken.
Now, regardless of whether the shaking comes from the enemy or the Lord, God can always do something amazing from that place. Oftentimes, God brings exposure and correction to our hearts when the shaking comes. I have noticed that when I go through shaking, I realize, “What am I actually standing on? What do I really believe? Is my belief in what I had, that I don’t have anymore? Or is my belief in the Lord?”
I love what Patricia King says, “God plus nothing equals everything.” How many of you can say “Amen” when a shaking comes, we recognize that when we really believe that God plus nothing equals everything? When He is our everything, we are not shaken. When the shaking comes, we recognize it but we have hope in Him that is immovable, that is unshakable knowing that He is going to do something powerful and good.
Don’t be afraid of what comes up that may feel negative. Maybe you are not handling a situation the way you thought you would. Oftentimes, that has happened to me. I really thought I would respond differently than the way I really did. I really hoped I would. And maybe something happened and you realize how much you have grown because you would have reacted one way, but instead, you are choosing to respond and God is showing you how much you have grown and matured in Him. Don’t be afraid of the shaking. He corrects those that He loves. He corrects His sons and daughters and it is for our benefit and for our good.
For the rest of my days on earth, with an eternal mindset, my hope and prayer are that God would ring correction to me. When He brings it, He brings it privately. And if we don’t handle it privately, He will bring somebody. And if we don’t listen to them, it will be more public. So, let us be the sons and daughters who aren’t afraid of the shaking, who take care of it, whose hearts are open in front of Him. That we take care of it when it comes. We don’t shy away and we recognize it as a shaking from God that can help us mature and grow and persevere into the sons and daughters that He has called us to be.
God, I thank you so much for my brothers and sisters today. You see the situation they are going through. You see the situations they have gone through. And I thank you for your peace. I thank you for hope. God, would you show us, Spirit of God, would you come even into the room right now and lead us and reveal the good plans that you have for us. We love you, Father, and we thank you. We thank you for showing us how to mature and how to grow. We thank you for your correction. And God, for those who don’t like the correction, Spirit of God, would you reveal to them what it really means to be corrected by God? That they would be filled with God and know how good and how kind God is. It would lead us to repentance. In Jesus’ name. Amen. I hope you have an amazing day, don’t be afraid of the shaking. God always does really good things through it and we can mature and grow and come out of it stronger than we came into the shaking. In Jesus’ name. My name is Jamie Lyn Wallnau and this is God Today.