I am Robert Hotchkin, founder of Men On The Frontlines, and I want to welcome you to God Today. I wanted to ask you a question I asked the Lord recently. Do you have any idea why you didn’t go home to heaven as soon as you got saved?
One day, I was in my prayer time and I was thinking about it like, “You know, heaven is going to be so great, it is so much better than all of this. Why don’t we go home to heaven as soon as we say ‘yes’ to you, Lord?” And the Lord spoke so clearly to me. He said, “It is because you have work to do here.”
Now think about this. When we say “yes” to Jesus, we get plugged back into relationship with our heavenly Father and His fullness of His heavenly Kingdom right here on earth. Absolutely. But we also get plugged back into God’s plan since day 6. Which is to have a people on the earth willing to be in a relationship with Him. And then operating in His deputized authority through the power of His Holy Spirit who advances His Kingdom on the earth. All we have to do is look out the window, look on the internet, and look at the news. There is work here to be done for the Kingdom on the earth. And God’s plan to deal with all of that is you.
There is a reason He didn’t bring you home to heaven as soon as you got saved. It is because He wants to empower you in ways you have never even thought of. To declare the Kingdom of heaven at His hand. To heal the sick, to cleanse the lepers, to ask out demons, to put the reality of who He is on display to a lost and hurting world that needs to meet Him.
So, this is what I want to pray for you today. I want to pray over you the way the risen victorious Lord prayed over every single person who is ever going to be one of His disciples when He said, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will receive power to be a great and mighty witness of the Lord here, there, and everywhere. That is my prayer for you today.
I declare over you in Jesus’ name the Holy Spirit is coming upon you right now afresh. A fresh baptism of the fire of the Holy Spirit. A fresh baptism of the wind of the Holy Spirit. A fresh baptism of the wine of the Holy Spirit. A fresh baptism of the lightning of the Holy Spirit. Right now, reaching down into you on a cellular level, igniting you afresh with the power of God. So you can go out there and you can be a dominion steward in the earth representing and quite literally re-presenting your heavenly Father in the earth. That everywhere you go, people will see the presence, the power, and the personality of God through you. And you will be part of the great harvest that is coming in. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Thanks for letting me visit with you. I am Robert Hotchkin and this is God Today.