Blessings to you. I am Jared Laskey of Fireborn Ministries and this is God Today. It is my hope and prayer that you are encouraged and your faith is lifted up through this, as we get a glimpse into scripture. I would also like to pray a blessing over you that your faith will soar. And I believe that you will sense the presence of God all over you. 2 Timothy 1:6-7 says, “I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God which is in you. Through the laying on of my hands. For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power, love, and self-control.”
The apostle Paul was telling his spiritual son, Timothy, to fan into flame God’s gifts within him. Paul laid hands on Timothy, commissioning Him for evangelistic ministry. And here is a spiritual father encouraging his disciple. His spiritual son, to not neglect the spiritual gifts and calling he has. But to do it. Maybe Timothy had some timidity. Maybe he wasn’t an outgoing personality. Perhaps he was shy. But he was still called by God. And he went around appointing leaders over many churches.
Perhaps you look at someone who is more energetic than you, thinking they can do something better. But God asked you to do it. Or maybe you’re shy. But Jesus wants to give you boldness. Paul would tell you to stop looking at them. To look to God and do what He told you to do. Paul would say to you, “Fan your gifts into flame.” You have spiritual gifts that are to glorify God. And your gifts are to be used daily. God did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and self-control. Only you can do what God has called you to do. Only you can do what He wills for you to do. He loves you and empowers you with His wonderful Holy Spirit. He believes in you and so do I. You can do it.
May I pray for you? Precious, wonderful Jesus, right now in Jesus’ name, I call forth everyone’s spiritual gifts that are to glorify you. Holy Spirit, be poured out upon them. And I thank you for what you called them to do. I thank you for your will being done in their lives. May they surrender to you. And use their spiritual gifts for your glory. If any of them are suffering from timidity or shyness, pour out your boldness upon them. I call them out to say that you are a mighty warrior called by God. Do His will for His glory. Now, Jesus may your wonderful Holy Spirit be poured out upon everyone watching. May they see you high and lifted up and they know your presence like never before. Thank you for what you are doing. In Jesus’ name. Amen. I am Jared Laskey of Fireborn Ministries. Thank you for watching this encouraging word from God Today.