Hey everyone! My name is Jasmine Tate, I am one of the pastors at Mercy Culture Church, and welcome to God Today. I have a little word for you, I kept seeing this phrase in scripture. It is, “In the sight of the Lord.” I kept seeing that phrase in so many different places throughout scripture. I started asking the Lord, “What does that mean?” I really felt any time God is highlighting a phrase like that, it just means that there must be an alternative to something being in the sight of the Lord.
In those scriptures, sometimes it was saying that in the sight of the Lord things were good and righteous. Other times it was saying in the sight of the Lord things were not good. But the fact that it says, “In the sight of the Lord,” it must mean there must be some people being focused on being in the sight of man.
I wanted to challenge you guys this morning, or this afternoon, or evening – whenever it is you are watching this video. It is so important to just be in a constant state where you are asking the Lord what it means to please Him. What it means to find favor in His sight. What if we all lived our lives in such a way that we were just trying to find out what pleases Him? We are just trying to find out how to find favor in His sight? Before we ever try to figure out how to find favor in the sight of man.
It is kind of like when you have a friend who has a birthday coming up, and your friends are looking for a gift for that person, but you are the person that knows exactly what they want for their birthday. They will come to you and say, “Hey, what does this person want for their birthday?” You will say, “I already know that, I already found out what they like.” Because you are close with them, you are intimate with them, you spend time with them.
It is just like that with the Lord. There is a scripture, Ephesians 5:10, and it is Paul saying, “Find out what pleases the Lord.” It is literally in the word of God. Paul is basically saying, to find out what pleases the Lord is actually an active thing. It is a verb. Something you actually have to do. You have to spend time with Him to find out what is on His heart, to find out what He wants.
The good news is there is always something that pleases Him. Whether that is in your business, your family, the decisions you are looking to make with your friends. Whatever it may be. There is a way that pleases Him.
The Bible says, “There is also a way that seems right to man.” But we are not looking for that way. We are looking for the thing that pleases God. Just like Paul said.
Let’s pray. I want to pray you find that way this morning. Join me in prayer. Lord, we thank you for your presence, we thank you for what you’re doing, and we just confess we want to know what pleases you. In every single area of our lives, that’s in our families, businesses, our friendships, and our relationships. We want to please you with every part of our lives. And so, we offer our lives to you today and we ask you to give us eyes to see and give us ears to hear exactly what pleases you. We will hear and obey. So speak, Lord. Your servants are listening. Your sons and daughters are listening. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.