Hi, I am Dave Harvey, the director of Increase Testimony, welcome to God Today. Did you know your testimony is a weapon to overcome the enemy? The sad thing is that many times, we as Christians treat our testimonies more like water bottles than weapons. We get refreshed in a moment, form our testimony, but then we throw them away. When God says that our testimonies have the power to overcome the enemy.
Revelation 12:10 says that “they overcame the enemy by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony.” This means that right now, right in the current situation of the world, our testimonies have the power to overcome the enemy.
I saw this happen in real-time, the power of testimonies. When a young girl shared how the organization that she worked for had asked her to pray because a young girl had been taken for sex slavery. So, she got up, and said, “God, what do you want me to pray?” The Lord said, “Pray that young girl is dropped off where she was taken from.”
She shared that as she prayed, hours later she got the message that the young girl who was taken was dropped off where she was taken from.
Months later, I was teaching at a ministry school, when our phones went off. A young boy had been taken. The Lord said to me, “Share the testimony of the young girl being brought back from where she was taken.” So I released that testimony and had the school pray. Well, hours later again, that young boy was returned back where he was taken.
We have seen this happen a third time where a mother was taken in our city. We got online and released both of those testimonies. Through prayer, and practical help that woman was dropped off where she was taken from.
I want to pray for you right now. Because the world needs your testimonies and it needs your testimonies to destroy the enemy and release the plans and purposes of God.
God, I pray that you would highlight testimonies to everyone watching that they can share on social media, share on the testimony app, and I pray let miracles, signs, and wonders break out across the planet. Lord, destroy the enemy’s works and bring heaven’s plan onto the earth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.