Hi, I’m Kristene DiMarco with Bethel Music and thank you for watching God Today. Oftentimes people ask me how I deal with fear and I used to deal with it in more of a defensive posture. I was holding my ground and then God taught me how to deal with it in an offensive posture. Fear affects probably most of the world. I think even today we see it all over the news and everything, and honestly, it doesn’t even have the right to touch us. Jesus said constantly in the Bible, fear not, fear not, fear not.
There’s a reason why He said that because fear is the opposite of love. It’s what He’s trying to show us in His Kingdom is love. Fear and love cannot coexist. It says perfect love casts out fear. So I decided to take a more aggressive stance when it came to fear. For me personally, when fear comes in like a flood, I am ready and I get angry. A lot of people deal with it like “I get happy and I get joyful,” and I’m like, but I get angry. I take a stand and I’m like, you do not belong in my home. You do not belong in my heart. There’s no place for you here.
I raise up a standard. It says when the enemy rushes in like a flood, God raises up a standard. And I intend to do that. I raise up a standard. My standard is Christ. My standard is in His perspective and through His eyes, there’s no reason to fear. It’s death, where is your sting? What is the worst that could happen on earth? It’s if God is for me, who is against me? There are so many Scripture verses that you can go back to in the Bible and quote and use them as standards and use them as barriers between yourself and fear.
I encourage you to reach deep into the Word of God and pull out those keys for breaking fear off of your life. Don’t stand for it. Don’t be in a defensive posture. Position yourself as a child of God who has all the resources of Heaven at their fingertips.
Let’s pray. God, I pray for all the people out there, struggling with fear, whatever it may be, the fear of death or whatever is going on in the world, the fear of failure. Even sometimes the simplest fears, God, that get in the way of Your love. I pray God, will You raise up a standard? Will You teach us how to not be silent, but to forcefully advance Your Kingdom on earth, God, through love. I pray that it would be easy to take a stand because of the power that is in Your name. He says that the name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it, and they are safe. God, it is the power of Your name and we praise You for that in Jesus’ name. Amen.