Inspiring Our Children To Advance The Kingdom

Thursday, August 5th, 2021

God is releasing revival right now in families. It's so important that we celebrate the good things that He's doing with our children.
Dave Harvey


Hi everyone.  I’m Dave Harvey, the Director of Increase and welcome to God Today.  Did you know that one of the most powerful things we can do as families is to share testimonies with our children. Not only does this build faith in their hearts, but it inspires them to take risks for God and to see God use them powerfully. 

In the Bible prophet Joel says that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh, your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your old men will have dreams. I want to tell you that right now God’s spirit is pouring out on the planet on families.  He’s pouring out on children and He’s pouring out on moms and dads. He’s even pouring out on grandparents. 

As we share testimonies together, it inspires the next generation to take the Kingdom further. You know, God recently led us to build a kid’s testimony book. It’s called Increase Kids and it’s full of testimonies of children praying for their pets and seeing them raise from the dead. It’s full of testimonies of children prophesying over the speaker in the cars they drive to the shops. This book is loaded with testimonies of what’s possible for children. 

We’ve seen parents read this book to their children. One father contacted me recently saying for two weeks, “I read the stories to my two girls. Just the other day I was in Starbucks and I watched as my little nine-year-old daughter walked over to an elderly woman as he watched, his daughter prayed for the old woman and he thought I better go over and rescue the old woman. As he approached, he saw the woman was crying and she began to tell the father that his daughter had come over and asked to pray for her.  She had bad knees with arthritis and couldn’t walk. Well and the little girl prayed for this elderly woman, there was a large pop in that Starbucks and that woman’s knees were instantly healed. This dad was ecstatic and so was the nine-year-old daughter. 

God is releasing revival right now in families. It’s so important that we celebrate the good things that He’s doing with our children, because he wants them to take it further. I want to pray for you right now. Father, I thank you for mothers and fathers and I thank you for grandparents and teachers who are listening. I pray, God, that you remind them of testimonies to share to the next generation.And Lord, we pray that as the next generation hears the stories of Your wonders that, Lord, You will cause them to not only do it again, but to take the Kingdom further. We pray for revival in families right now in Jesus’ name.